Kategorier: Alle - algorithms - data - customization - collaboration

av Angela Soto 3 år siden


ISTE Standards_studentsAngela Soto CI 100 4 PM

Integrating technology into education can significantly enhance the learning experience by empowering students and fostering collaboration. Creating forums where students share their achievements encourages peer support and partnership.

ISTE Standards_studentsAngela Soto CI 100 4 PM

ISTE Standards_students Angela Soto CI 100 4 PM

6. Creative Communicator How to apply in future classroom: Let the students choose how they want to express concepts on a fantasy reading. They can record their voice and show narrations with photos.

6c. Students create or use a variety of digital objects.
Example: Metaphors, compare/contrast, categorization, infographics, word clouds, interactive charts and graphs, concept maps, mindmaps, flowcharts and prototypes.
6a. Students choose appropriate platforms to meet objectives of their communication.
Example: Blog, video, slide deck presentation, digital poster, social media site, podcast, website or other online tool, digital camera or video, audio software, graphic design software, writing software, meme, digital book, video, or stop-animation.

4. Innovative Designer How to apply in future classroom: Introduce a robotic project and ask the students to question what else they could add or change about their robot to improve it.

4b. Manage a design process that considers constraints and risks.
Example: Brainstorming tools, flow charts, 2D or 3D design software, note-taking tools, project-management tools, time, money, expertise, materials, conditions and potential obstacles.
4a. Use a deliberate design process for solving authentic problems.
Example: Human-centered design process, project-based learning, engineering design processes, scientific method, 3D printed artifacts, compute programs, robotics, simulations, virtual representations, prototypes, design challenges, science explorations, philosophical questions, service learning projects, social issues.

2. Digital Citizen How to apply in future classroom: Students can connect online with their classmates and work in partners to ensure they are using positive words/feedback while staying safe.

2b. Engage in positive and ethical behavior when using technology.
Example: Knowing the identity of who you are interacting with; how much and what kind of information you release online; protecting oneself from scams, phishing schemes and poor purchasing practices, preventing or not engaging in cyberbullying; trolling or scamming; avoiding plagiarism; supporting others' positive digital identity, internet-connected computers or tablets, multi-player gaming systems and cell phones.
2a. Students are aware of the permanence of their actions.
Example: Social media posts, photos, public online comments/reviews, awareness and monitoring of how others are depicting of you.

7. Global Collaborator How to apply in future classroom: Students will participate in The Global Read Aloud and connect with students around the world using Padlet. The students will connect through a single book and learn about cultures and backgrounds from different parts of the world.

7b. Use collaborative technologies to work with others, including experts.
Example: Online debates, discussion forums, telementoring and personal learning networks.
7a. Digital tools connecting learners from different backgrounds.
Example: Engaging with digital pen pals, telecollaborative global projects, social action projects, translation software/apps, synchronous/asynchronous collaborative platforms, open educational resources and school global partnerships.

5. Computational Thinker How to apply in future classroom: I can have the students create online map directions that show how to get to the nearest police station the safest and quickest way. They will become familiar with algorithms.

5b. Identify relevant data sets and represent data in various ways.
Example: Surveys, online data sets, physical measurements, population or global food sources databases, public data streams for weather satellites, using data bases, visualization tools, analytics, mapping software, text-analysis software, graphs, charts, words or images.
5a. Formulate problems suited for algorithmic thinking in exploring solutions.
Example: Representation of a relationship, concept, or structure.

3. Knowledge Constructor How to apply in future classroom: I can have the students research articles on why climate change occurs. First they write the questions they have, research, record their answers, then discuss with classmates their findings and any possible solutions.

3b. Evaluate the accuracy of data, media, and other resources.
Example: Check resource copyright information, .com, .org, .edu.
3a. Employ effective research strategies to locate resources.
Example: Using digital, online, print sources, library databases and catalogues, advanced tools and criteria for online searches, CRAAP test, online bookmarking tools, online note-taking tools.

1. Empowered Learner How to apply in future classroom: I can develop a forum for students to write their accomplishments on assignments between one another through Google Doc or Edmodo. The students will recognize partnership is important when it comes to learning.

1b. Students customize their learning environments.
Example: Social media, connecting through email, video conferencing, digital pen pals, using audio, video, dynamic glossaries, highlighting, note taking, voice command, text to speech, social bookmarking, cloud collaboration tools.
1a. Set up personal learning goals and reflect on the process itself.
Example: Ask questions- What worked? Why did things unfold as they did? What could be approached differently? What will you do differently in the future?