Kategorier: Alle - colonialism - intersectionality - hierarchy - military

av Adrianna Davis 3 år siden


The Three Pillars of White Supremacy

This text examines how different forms of discrimination intersect and influence each other, particularly in the context of colonialism and societal hierarchies. It highlights how non-native individuals are enticed to settle on native lands, and how promises of economic and political advancement are used to recruit Black, Asian, Latinx, and Indigenous people into the military.

The Three Pillars of White Supremacy

Femicide in Mexico-Women are at the bottom of the Heirarchy, as mass murdered and raped with almost no consequence. (Garza)


Practice (Di'Angelo)

this takes consistendt EFFORT
notice your automatic thoughts and reflect on them
question what is "normal"
try to analuyze the behaviors of yourself and others in "normal situations"
reflect on your own biases and experiences (we all have them!) (Di'Angelo

Educate yourself and others (Di'Angelo)

Understand the history from multiple persepctivess
be prepared to have uncomfortable conversations
Find authentic voices-do not just read and listen and watch white profuced products
Set a goal for yourself to read a book or liseten to a podcast or a documentary once a month

Call in Culture (Ross)

use love to promote activism

Intersectionality: the way in which different types of discrimination (= unfair treatment because of a person's sex, race, etc.) are linked to and affect each other (CambridgeDictionary)

society often "dismisses" the stories and experiences of minorities who are not seen as on the very bottom. Their version of racism is often overlooked and seen as "not that bad" compared to some others

indigenous people recruited by military to fight the imperial war- promised political and financial advancement (Smith)

"Black, Asian, Latinx, and Indegenous people are promised economical and political advancement if they join the military, which contributes to the War to spread "democracy" (Smith)

Non-"Black" people are promised they will not be the very bottom of the "heirarchy (Smith)

Non-Native people get to join in on Colonialism and settle native land if they comply. Property is associated with power in our economy. (Smith)

How we get sucked in to the 3 Pillars

Races like Latinx, Arabic, Indian are considered inferior to White people, and a threat yet are still considered higher on the heirarchy than "Black" people (Smith)

The Three Pillars of White Supremacy

Express your feeling and opinions about the people in your life, the books you have been reading, the weather and your favorite food.


The Anchor Of Colonialism

What is the season you like the least?

Non Native people become the "rightful" Owners of the land (Smith)

Why do you dislike this season?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this context.

Manifest Destiny (Smith)

What is the worst book you read?
Type in the title.

The belief that it is the White man's "duty" to "civilize" other cultures, that it is for the native people's benefit (Smith)
forced assimilation and "whitness" (Smith)

Has been so embedded that society has accused indegenuos people of being "white" -Smith

Indigenous people are supposed to "play dead", and "disappear' into "civilized society" (Smith)

What do you feel about this book?
How did it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of bad in this context.


Orientalism and War

Justifies war in order to protect us from "enemies"

What is your favorite season?

Uses racial profiling of Arabic people to increase military to "Fight The War on Terror" (smith

Military Budget was $731.79 BILLION in 2019 (macrotrends.net)

U.S Military occupying 40% of the world since 2019 (Smithsonian)
U.S.A Military members deployed in over 170 countries since 2000 (forbes.com)

"The United States is not 'at' war, the Unites states IS war" Sora Han

Iraqi War 2003-2011

Why do you like this season?
How does it make you feel?
Try to come up with various descriptive adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this context.

The logic of Orientalism : Sees foreigners not as exotic, but as inferior and as constant threat to "society" (Smith).

What is your favorite book?
Type in the title.

Anti-Immigration movements, specifically target immigrants of color (Smith)

ICE Raids and Deportation

Being told to "speak English this is America" when the USA actually has no official language (WorldAtlas.com)

Accents being a sign of lack of intelligence, or a threat. Service people being rude to customers who have accents because they "cant understand". My mom being told to go back to Russia, when she's a U.s citizen and actually from the Czech Republic.

Coronavirus related genuphobia (matube-Louie)

See Asian American's as "Model Citizens" gives the illusion that they can achieve power in our society (Matube-Louie)

This model is used to oppress Asian Americans because it perpetuates a myth that they do not xperience racism (Matube-Louie)

increased violence against Asian Americans (Matube-Louie)

The Atlanta Shooting 2021-6 Asian Women Murdered

Rise of hate against Asian Americans (Matube-Louie)

"Chinese Virus" or "Kung-Flu"- former President Trump addressing the Coronavirus

Slavery/Capitalism (the anchor behind White Supremacy) (Smith)

Blackness is inherently slaveable (Smith)

Who is the best person in the world for you? Type in the answer.

motherfathergrandfathersisterbrothergrandmotherbest friend

Describe the way he/she looks like.
Try to provide as many descriptive adjectives as you can, taking into account the meaning of good and nice in this context.


Mass incarceration (Cohen)

structured on anti-blackness-prisons were predomenantly white before the civil war (Smith)

The prison system is considered "legal slavery", and operates on discrimination, assumed guilt and excessive force. (Roberts) (Smith)

Men of Color do not feel comfortable wearing face masks during Covid-19 because of criminalization (Opinion)

"Guilty until proven innocent" (Roberts)

The Karen: The Rise of the Karen

George Floyd Shot in 2020


Heterosexuality was pushed onto society as the "right" way to be. (Heterosexual Hsitories)

Men of color on the National Aids Board found themselves fighting racism rather than fighting for Aids so they stepped down (bulldaggers and welfare queens)

Black women felt encouraged to be heterosexual because it was one part of their intersectionality that they would not be directly oppressed for.


Describe how he/she acts or behaves. Try to come up with various adjectives that best describe the meaning of good and nice in this situation.


Believing ones group is superior has been seen throughout history, but White Americans were the first to do it (at least on a large scale) to make it purely about race (Roberts)

slave did not always mean "black" (Roberts)

The Bible (Roberts)

The story of Noah's sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth = explanation for the geographical origins: of different groups of people, one that would later be interpreted by white Americans as evidence of a divine justification for slavery. Roberts

Creates a Racial Heirarchy

"By human everybody just means white people" (Ferber)

Racist Feminism Lorde

"Women and the "Me too" Movement"

gender based violence that targets black women ()

Bill Cosby

women of color's experiences and perspectives are not being heard and shared.

Current society is expecting women of color to educate us, while we are not giving them a platform, not listening, and just making excuses for our lack of education and knowledge. Lorde

As a feminist movement, and a society, we fail to educate ourselves and recognize the difference between the white and "Black" woman of experience. Lorde

"Third World Women" (Lorde(

"Black is at the bottom of the racial hierarchy-at least they are not property" Smith