whether the relationshipbetween teachers andstudents has an effecton student behavior?
A study conducted on 1,400 ten-year-old children in Zurich examined the impact of the student-teacher relationship on student behavior. The researchers used a standard questionnaire to analyze whether students with positive relationships exhibited different behaviors compared to those with negative relationships.
whether the relationship
between teachers and
students has an effect
on student behavior?
This research should
influence teacher
training to make
preventing violence more
The conclusions of the
Children who had a good
relationship with the
teacher showed 18 percent
more prosocial behavior
and 38 percent less
aggressive behavior than
children who had a
negative relationship with
the teacher.
The results of the study
The researchers used a
standard questionnaire to
examine if the students
with the positive
relationship were
different from those with
the negative relationship.
The end of the study
For comparison, the
researchers created 600
pairs. Each pair was
similar in profile in
everything except the
student-teacher relationship, one positive
and one negative.
The middle of the study
The researches asked the
parents and teachers about
the children’s
behavior. This is how the
researchers created a
profile for each child.
The beginning of the
1,400 children living in
Zurich at regular
intervals, at the age of ten.