Kategorier: Alle - change - compassion - depression - cheating

av paige drummond 6 år siden


Wild Concept Map

Cheryl Strayed's journey is a profound exploration of personal growth and self-discovery. Struggling with the loss of her mother and a series of poor life choices, Cheryl finds herself in a downward spiral of depression, infidelity, and substance abuse.

Wild Concept Map

Looks at Cheryl's "mistakes" in a different perspective


Examples from real life

Scared the man would...

Shows Cheryl's compassionate side


Real life examples of cheating

Led too...

Examples from movies

Wild by Cheryl Strayed


The unconscious mind
Cheryl did not realize who she was hurting until the beginning her hike
Cheryl has always struggled with her past, however it came apparent when her decisions in life started to grow in the category of stupidity
Sex life
Freud claims we need pleasure in our lives
Sexually active

With ex-husband

With multiple men

Not with reality as she had a husband


Hitchhiking with strangers

Puts herself in dangerous situations

Poor decisions
Impulsive decision to begin the hike with no previous experience

Shows Cheryl is ambitious enter and up for the challenge

"Strength and growth come only though continuous effort and struggles" -Napolean Hill


Realistic aspect
Problem solving

The water pipe wasn't connected, therefore she filtered dirty water by adding iodine pills

Relation to the show "Survivorman" when he boils his pee for hydration as he did not have water

Both individuals had to use survivor skills

Cheryl lost one of her boots and created new shoes out of duct tape

Past Cheryl would have given up and discontinue the hike, however Cheryl's determination pushed her to be original to finish the hike

Shows her creativity and her fast thinking

Fast thinking relates to shows such as Jeopardy, The Amazing Race, Chopped

Embarrassment as shoes made her look inexperienced and homeless

Example: while hitchhiking she was stopped by a reporter who tried to interview Cheryl for being a homeless female


The hike
Unrealistic decision
Showed personal character development

Shows initiative to move past her problems

Quote: "I’m a free spirit who never had the balls to be free.” -Cheryl Strayed

Cheryl realized she needed help after she got pregnant and had to get an abortion

Realization her life was out of control

It requires strength to acknowledge one has a problem

"As I saw myself then in front of that tarnished mirror what came was the women with the hole in her heart. That was me." -Cheryl (Stryaed 38)

She thought her problems were too difficult for a therapist which led to the hike

Cheryl became helpful along her hike as she helped people who did not have water, inspired multiple individuals walking the PCT, shared her past experiences with others (especially near the end of the story)

Even though her mom has passed away, she made her proud

Becomes happier

Quit her bad habits

In honor of her mom

Cheryl believed her mom would not approve of her life choices, she wanted to make her mother proud

Bobbi and Cheryl had a very strong bond, Cheryl is constantly looking to replace her mother figure by adding other people in her

To reflect on past choices
Change her life around


Has to control the id's impulsiness
The hike was one of those ways Cheryl controlled her past issues

Realtes to the show/programs Intervention where people who have let their drug habits get out of hand, seek help

However, Cheryl was a sweet girl at a young age
Tried to maintain a close relationship with her brother

Got him to visit their mom in the hospital

Was caring and visited her Mom often as she was dying
Was accepting of her Mom being in high school the same time as her
Morals are created through parents at a young age according to Freund
This idea relates to the movie Forest Gump as Jenny, had an abusive father and as she grew up she became very sexually active and got AIDS/HIV
Cheryl's step dad was re-married and created children with his new wife, a year after Bobbi's death

Made his love for Cheryl's mom seem fake

Portrayed love as something useless to Cheryl

Possible reasoning for why Cheryl cheated on her husband

Although Cheryl's mom was supportive, Cheryl's Dad was not a good role model

This led to Cheryl's risky and impulsive decisions later in her life

"Mistakes are always unforgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." -Bruce Lee


Morals/Beliefs VS Cheryl







Paul VS Cheryl

Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Relationship struggles


Makes Cheryl feel worthless


Paul left Cheryl behind


Cheryl cheats on Paul

3 "hook ups" in 5 days

Hike VS Cheryl


"BEAR! I yelped and reached for my whistle the moment after he turned and ran, his thick rump rippling in the sun as my whistle peeped its murderously loud peep. It took me a few minutes to work up the courage to continue on." -Cheryl (Strayed, 90-91)

Courage is gained through fear


Rattle Snake



Mom's death

Debates about being sexual along her hike

Her morals VS the point of the hike

Urges to call Paul

"I can do this, I thought. I can be Paul's wife." -Cheryl (Strayed 35)

Blisters due to her boots being too small


Barely any water

Little food



1100 miles for a new hiker

New experiences


Weather conditions

Extreme heat



Can't think straight

Makes Cheryl want to give up

"I was going to quit. Quit, quit, quit, I chanted to myself as I moaned and hiked and rested." -Cheryl (Strayed, 84)


No support from

Individuals also hiking the PCT

"I was a pebble. I was a leaf. I was the jagged branch of a tree. I was nothing to them and they were nothing to me." -Cheryl (Strayed 83)





Within Cheryl

Bobbi's death

Brought loneliness

"I howled and howled and howled, rooting my face into her body like an animal." -Cheryl (Strayed, 26)

Brought sadness

"I can't do this. I can't live without Mom. I can't. I can't. I can't." -Leif Strayed (Strayed, 26)

Abusive/alcoholic father

Brings back bad, fearful memories

Unhappy times in her life


Had reoccurring dreams of Bigfoot kidnapping her

Cheryl has dreams of Bobbi begging Cheryl to kill her


Cheryl and her mom's relationship is super strong, making the thought of killing her mom so much more traumatizing

She was scared of those 2 men she came across while getting water

They were going to hurt her as they had guns and appeared to be a little "rough around the edges"

Making comments about her body

Makes Cheryl feel uncomfortable

Sexual Harassment

Gretchen Carlson vs. Roger Ailes (2016)

Ani Chopourian vs. Catholic Healthcare West (2012)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Assault

Cheryl found the gun and liquor in the truck of who she was hitchhiking with

His home may not have been safe

He had an aggressive personality

He was going to drive under the influence

Scared to get murdered