Fostering Software Craftsmanship
What is it all about
pass on knowledge
meet professional standards
reject specialization
green band
have pride in your work
keep practicing
continuous learning
Concept of taking responsiblity !
How to do it
Measure Success
performance reviews
Centralized Resources
Educational material
make developers drive the content
Wiki-based community
Pair Programming
train your own successor
situated learning and apprenticeship model
Evaluate - where you are
design principles
design patterns
code smells
TDD, testing
formalized interviews
Software professional
Pete McBreen's book
SC as the new metaphor
Software development - Art or Science ?
struggle to find the right metaphor
Software problem
There is a difference between having knowledge and having skill/experience
problem with people - interchangeable resources
Shortcomings with SE and business
Software engineering
Huge number of people
Safely critical
Many years
Large projects
We are young industry