Northern Quebec faces significant challenges due to a rising population, which demands more agriculture and infrastructure. This growth has led to widespread deforestation, resulting in the loss of animal habitats and deteriorating air quality due to fewer trees producing oxygen.
Geographic issues of Canada
This issue impacts sustainability because Polar bear tourism has recently been banned leaving people in that job field unemployed and in search of jobs.
We should care about this issue because Polar bears play an important role in the "arctic" ecosystem and food chain providing food for the rest of the animals in their ecosystem.
This is an issue in Manitoba because Manitoba is one of the few provinces in Canada where there is a large population of polar bears.
This issue is happening in Manitoba.
Climate change is endangering more and more polar bears every day. It is effecting trier health and, food supply maternity and their cubs.
Northern Qubec
Deforestation impacts sustainability because if laws are set regarding amounts of forest that is allowed to be cut down not enough land will be cleared and there wont be enough space to build parks, malls, schools, etc.Deforestation also provides people with a lot of jobs which would cause lots of unemployment if cuts were to be made.
We should care about this issue because if we learn how to control deforestation we could improve other important issues like loss of biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions and air quality.
This is an issue in Northern Quebec because the population is rising causing the need for more agriculture and communities to increase. To make room for all these new things are portions are being removed.
This issue is taking place in Northern Quebec.
Deforestation is whipping out entire animal habitats, one forest at a time. During deforestation large amounts of of forest are being destroyed giving animals no time to run and relocate. Because of deforestation the air quality is much worse because trees help provide breathable oxygen but if they are being cut down no oxygen is being provided.
Nova Scotia
This issue impacts sustainability because the turtles maintain water habitats, but if the turtles were to be removed the water would no longer be maintained and we wouldn't have very clean drinking water.
We should care about this issue because turtles help keep the oceans and lakes clean so we can enjoy aquatic activities. Turtles are also a very important part of the aquatic food chain.
This is an issue in Nova Scotia because a vast amount of turtles are located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Nova Scotia, causing this issue to be more present.
This issue is taking place in Nova Scotia.
Climate change and pollution are creating many issues within the sea negatively affecting the turtles. The tulles face issues like warm nests, a large female turtle population, decrease in turtle population and even death.
This issue impacts sustainability because there are lots of jobs in the mining industry and if mining were to be put on hold lots of people would move away to find new jobs, lowering the population. Mining also provides Canada with the populations physical wants and needs.
We should care about this issue because mining provides Canada with 20% of our GDP, but is affecting our health and contributing to air pollution. We need to find a way to keep Canada's economy but also save the health of people in Canada.
This is an issue in Ontario because Ontario has some of the biggest mines in Canada. These mines are contributing to the worst world wide issue climate change.
This issue is taking place in Ontario.
Mining is causing a loss of biodiversity ,water and soil contamination and sinkholes, all issues because of the harmful chemicals released during the mining process.
This issue impacts sustainability because local businesses, homes and surrounding envviorment will be consumed by fire. We should also care about his issue because these people will have to find a new place to live possibly causing an area to be overpopulated.
We should care about this issue because once again forest fires are contributing to air pollution. We should also care because innocent people are dying and their homes and community are being destroyed without warning.
This issue is taking place in Pikangikum because many forest fires have been occurring in northwestern Canada where Pikangikum is located. In northwestern Canada the trees are dry and if they get struck by lighting the trees will ignite.
This issue is taking place in Pikangikum.
Red lake fire 39 has caused an island wide evacuation . The fire has grown to 507 square kilometres putting around 2443 people at risk.
British Columbia
Air pollution impacts sustanibiity because it is effecting the wolds health. One of the main contributors to air pollution's manufacturing factories, if we want to quickly decrease air pollution we could get rid of some factories with would leave many unemployed.
We should care about this issue because if air pollution gets so bad the earths health is at serious risk.
This is an issue in British Columbia because B.C is made up of valleys and mountains which produce a large amount of pollutants because of atmospheric pollution desperation adding to air pollution.
This issue is taking place everywhere in Canada but the worst pollution rate has ben reported in British Columbia.
Air pollution is harmful to human and animals breathing the air. Air pollution is possibly one of the worst issues Canada has ever faced. Air pollution is caused by exhaust and greenhouse gasses.
This issue is impacting sustainability because as trash fills up the earth our we will have to adjust our everyday routines because of the leaking toxins.
We should care about plastic pollution because it is affecting the well being and health of the environment and population. If garbage keeps piling up soon we won't be able to participate in some everyday activities.
This issue is taking place in Toronto because right now plastic is the cheapest and easy accessible item and is used my many factories. The population of Toronto is around 2.8 million and the average person litters 4.40 pounds of garbage a day.
This issue is taking place in Toronto.
Over 90% of plastic is ending up in oceans, lakes. parks and landfills instead of recycling bins. The harmful toxins in plastic leak, destroying ecosystems and habitats.
This issue impacts sustainability because if we were to reduce the amount of oil we extract a large chunk of Canada's income would be taken away and we would have to cut back on Canada's wants and needs. Putting a pause on the oil industries would leave lots of people unemployed and unable to provide fir their families.
We should care about this issue because the oil industries provide Canada with a large amount of economy but the oil is also harming the surrounding ecosystems and habitat. We need to find a solution that results in a positive on both ends.
This issue is taking place in Alberta because Alberta is home to the Alberta oil sands reserve, emitting the most greenhouse gases in relation to oil in Canada. Alberta oil sands provide Canada with 166.3 billion barrels of Oil contributing to our economy.
This issue is taking place in Alberta.
The Canadian oil industries provide Canada with a large part of their economy. But these industries are emitting a lot of greenhouse gases, polluting the air.