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History 3rd Year

The Troubles in Northern Ireland was a prolonged conflict from the late 1960s to 1998, primarily involving two groups: unionists, who were mainly Protestant and wanted to remain part of the United Kingdom, and nationalists, who were mainly Catholic and sought unification with the Republic of Ireland.

History 3rd Year

History 3rd Year

1916 Rising

Rise of Sinn Féin

German Plot

English accuse leades of sinn Féin of starting a plot with Germany

This turnded people against britain and vote for Sinn Féin.

They start arresting the leaders of Sinn Féin.

Women were allowed to vote.

Devalara and Collins joined Sinn Féin.

Griffith later stepped down and Develara became president.

Arthur Giffith was the man who founded Sinn Féin.

Sinn Féin 1st wanted home rule by peacful means but this soon changed.

Everyone thought Sinn Féin was responsible for the rising

Prime minsister Asquith ordered maxwell to stop.
The Public were not happy with British killing men.

Martial law and Curfew was too long and turned people against british.

Dublin citty had massive damages.
3.500 people arrested.

90 of those people were sentenced to death

15 that sighned proculamation.

Sent to a prison called Frongoch in Wales.

It was a former prisoner of war camp.

1,800 people sent to prison in England.

Put in prison without trial..

Genral Maxwell

He arrests a lot of innocent people

This turns public opinion.

Ordered the arrest of more than 3,400 men and 79 women.

These were suspected to be involved in the rising.

During the rising
Battle of Mount Street.

Succesful for Irish.

The Helga

Instead they started lobbing shels over to the GPO.

A British gunboat which could not go under the bridge.

General Lowe

He was the one Pierse had to surrender to.

In charge of troops in Dublin


Trinity collegee was barriciated.

They failed to take Dublin castle.

They never took over railway stations

Main Buildings

7- Boland's mill.

6- College of surgeons.

5- Jacobs Factory

4-South Dublin Union.

3-Mendicity Institutiom

2-Four Courts


Start of the 1916 rising.
Plan goes ahead

Less than 5,000 men in the rising.

Mac Donagh wrote a letter saying it was going ahead anyway.

Macneill calls it off.


10,000 men were lost for the rising.

The castle document

The Aud didnt deliver the guns.

The Aud

It was then purposely sank and the German captain was imprisoned.

It was too risky to stay.

Supposed to land in Fenit.

20,000 rifles.

Roger Casement

Hanged in England

He got guns off germany

Orginised the Aud.

Worked as a diplimat.

Born in Dublin

Arms never reached the Volenteers

The Military Councical of the IRB.

The people involved were Padraig Pearse, Eamonn Ceannt, Joseph Plunkett and Séan mac Diarmada.

They planned the 1916 rising.

Its main task was to plan and carry out the rebellion.

A group within the IRB (Irish Republican Brotherhood.)

Dublin slums

Their was a high rate of diseases.

Tuberculosis (TB) It spread through tenants very quickly.

Infant mortality rate was very low.

Died after 1st year.

1/3 of dublins population lived in slums.

The Lockout

James Connelly formed Irish Citizens Army (ICA).

workers were brought in to work from England.

These were called BlackLeg Labourers.

William Murphy got angry and said anyone who was part of a union could not work.

20,000 workers went on strike.

ITGWU-Irish Transport and General Workers Union

James Larkin was leaader


Life as a Jew

World war 2

Short Term Impacts

War crime trials



Economic revival


Long Term Impacts

United nations

Toward european unity

End of european supermacy

Growth of superpowers

Fate of Japan

Fate of Germany

Course of the war
The turning point in the war for the allies:

War of the Pacific

Atomic Bombs





Leyte Gulf

Guada canal

Battle of Mid-way

Battle of Coral sea

Pearl Harbour

Dresden 1945

Battle of the bulge

The Battle of the Atlantic (The war at sea)

The alllies defeated the U-Boat threat by:

Use of ultra, code-breaking operation, which provided information to direct convoys away from the paths of wolfpacks.

Use of air reconnaissance, radar, sonar and depth charges.

Increased shipbuilding

Germany used submarines (U boats) to sink aillied shipping. Fleets of U boats called wolfpacks left the french and norwegian coasts and raided the allied conveys crossing the sea.

In the words of american president Roosevelt America became the "Arsenal of democracy".

America supplied Britain with supplies of food, military goods and industrial products to britain.

D-Day Landings

Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno and Sword were the beaches

They invaded on 5 beaches.

They dropped Para-troopers

Eisenhower was the commander

America joined the war

Soon after hittler declared war on america.

Japan attacked pearl harbour

Battle of Kurst

Germans loose

Largest tank battle in the war

Operation Citadel

Battle of Stalingrad (Major turning point in Operation Barborossa)

The german army suffered greatly due to the russians attacking them in a pincer movement from both sides.

Stalin insisted the city must not be lost.

The german army led by Von Paulus fought vicious street battles.

Their advance was stop due to the battle.

Hittlers armies advanced toward stalingrad, this was a key place for hittler as it had the oil fields of caucasus.

Operation Barbarossa (Invasion of Soveit Russia)

The soveit army soon began to retreat.

He targeted these attacks towards large soveit cities such as Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev.

He used blitzkrieg tactics in a three- pronged attack

The attack on russia was called operation barbarossa.

Hittler wanted to create lebensraum in eastern europe for the third reich.

Soveit russia was hittlers biggest enemy

The Great Patriotic War

The russians counter attacked in December.

The germans captured kiev but failed to capture the other two cities.

Hittlers early progress was paused due to russian winter

The low temperatures reached up to -40 degrees.

The rainy season made it very hard for the germans to fight back.

Many soldiers froze to death.

Lorrries tanks and aeroplains seized up and tough weather conditions made it hard for soldiers to fight.

As the russians reatreated they used a scorched earth policy.

Such as food and crops.

This meaned they burned many things around them as they retreated.

He also prepared for the war by moving heavy industry east of the ural mountains.

They produced T-34 and Katyusha rocket launchers.

Stalin Called Russians to fight the great patriotic war against germany.

The desert war in north africa.

Battle of El Alamein

This was one major turning point in the war.

Battle of El Alamien the british army led by montgomery defeated rommel.

Hittler wanted tocapture the suaz canal.

Hittler sent Erwin Rommel and his troops to help the italians.

However mussolinios army based in libya was defeated by the british troops based in eygpt.

Mussolini's italian army joined the war by invading southern france in effort to help the germans

The Blitz

America helped britain under the leadership of President Roosevelt.

Britain survived the battle of britain and the blitz.

some people evacuted to the countryside.

Cities such as london, coventry, liverpool and glasgow were attacked regularly during the night.

German planes continued to bomb british cities during the blitz.

Battle of Britain

this was hittlers first defeat.

Hittler then posponed ivasion of britain as he realized they were loosing

British used radar to detect on coming german planes.

British spitfires and hurricanes matched the german messershmitts and heinkels.

Next they switched their attack to airfields and radar stations.Germans attacked britain daily.

Luftwaffe attacked shipping in the english channel

Operation Sealion and Battle of Britain.

He started the battle of britain between the british royal airforce and the german Luftwaffe.

Hittler prepared invasion of britain called operation sealion.

Chruchill replaced chamberlain as prime minister

Invasion of France

France was divided into vichy france and and German teritory.

Hittler got in by making a diversion at the top of Belguim then went through the bottom of belguim.

He defeated many troops and pushed them back to Dunkirk

Hittler also used Blitzkrieg tactics in France.

Weser Crossing

Paratroopers were also droped

These were troops who jumped out of a plane with parachutes.

Germans landed on ports along Norway and Denmark.

Hittler invaded here to ensure the German iron ore supply.

April 1940

Invasion of Denmark and Norway

Phoney war.

Nothing happens until may.


Fast atacks to cause shock.

Lightning war

Invasion of Poland

Hittler used this as an excuse and invaded poland.

The German SS dressed in polish army uniforms and attacked a german radio station

5 Steps towards war

5- Phoney war

4- Poland

3-1938- the sudetenland

2- March- Austria- Anschluss (unity.)

1- 1936- march the rhineland

The Drift War
The Causes of World war 2

The Munich Conference 1938

6 Months later hittler took the rest of Czechslovakia.

They agreed that Czech must hand over Sudenland to Germany.

The Czech government was excluded.

Leaders from a couple of countries met with hittler.

Hittler wanted to claim back the german speaking area of Czechslovakia (The Sudenland).

The Gerrmans did not like the terms of the treaty.

Japanese Aggresion

this brought america into world war 2

Japan Bombed pearl harbour

America imposed economic sanctions

This brought japan into conflict with america.

LEague of nations also failed to stop japan.

Japan expanded into china.

American Isolation

America were by themselves as they were not in the league of nations.

Nazi-Soviet Pact

This ment stallion could prepare for a future war

they also agreed to split Poland

They agreed toa 10 year non- agression pact

Nazis and communists were bitter enimies

Policy of Appeasment

Hittler began to demand more.

However hittler saw this as their weakness.

Britain and france believed if they gave into hittlers demands it would prevent war.

Weakness of the league of Nations

The eleague had many weaknesses

Had to rely on economic sanctions

No army

Decision had to be unanimous so it was difficult to make decisions.

America did not join

The league wanted to achieve peace

Hittlers Actions

He united Germany and Austria in 1938.

He sent an army into Rhineland

He began to re- enforce the a army this broke the treaty of versailles.

Hittlers Aims

Lebensraum- living space for extra Germans

Abolition of treaty of Versailles

To expand and form a Greater Germany

The Troubles in Northern Ireland

Impacts of the troubles
The impact of anglo- irish relations.

the four agreements helped improve these relations.

the impact of the troubles on the north-south relations

Good Friday agreement.

Downing street declaration

Sunningdale agreement

change in government policy in 1970s

Huge tension inbetween north and south.

Economic consequences of the troubles

dependance on state welfare bonuses (Dole).

Significant rise in unemployment.

Greater poverty in northern ireland compared to the rest of britain.

High unemployment among youth.

Belfast city centre loosing business

Foreign firms did not want to set up factories

Businesses wrecked by bombing.

politacal consequences of the troubles

Irish government have greater say in irish affairs.

Unionists forced to share power with nationalists.

Destruction during troubles

Bridges and border crossings destroyed.

Destruction in belfast and other major towns.

16,000 bombings.

Deaths during troubles

Most Deaths in Belfast.

Over 3.5k people died.

Attemps at peace.
4- 1998 Good Friday Agreement

Voilence Continues it was partcially sucessful.

They agreed on Sharing power, PSNI (Police service of northern ireland.) replace RUC, will be united ireland if it is voted, Paramilitaries must give up their weapons.

John Hume (SDLP) and David Trimble (Ulster Unionist)

3- Downing street declaration

It happened in 1993

Allowed the people of NI and Ireland to determine their own future and solve problems by mutual consent. (Vote)

2- Hillsbrough Agreement

They would consult at an Inter-governmental conference.

they agreed that the north and south would agree on security matters.

PM Margret Thatcher and Taoiseach Garret Fitzgerald.

1- Sunningdale agreement.

Opposition to agreement- Ian Paisley and the unionists are not happy and shut northern ireland down.

Unionists party (Faulkner) and SDLP (Gerry Fitt) formed a government.

Agreement had a cross- border council of ireland.

Proposed governmet sharing for northern ireland.

Course of troubles
Bloody Friday

11 People were killed.

IRA set off 20 bombs

Forensic evidence also showed that none of them fired a gun that day.

13 People were killed, none of whom were susequently found been armed.

Basil Brooke (prime minister)

He said to employers that they would be a disgrace to northern ireland if they employed catholics.

Born into a weaalthy protestant family

IRA and border campaign

Ira from south began to attack british army barracks this is known as Border campaign.

Fergal o'hanlon and sean south killed.

1929 Wall street crash

Poverty increased due to due to the aforemention

Discrimination against catholics continued

The world economy declined and unemployment increased.


Its first leader was Gerry Fitt.

It brought together different nationalist groups and became the largest nationalist party.

Social Democratic and Labour Party.

British troops

The british government sent in troopes to protect the people of bogside.

The troubles escalate

Major voilence was sparked off by the protestant apprentice boys marching in derry.

This was known as the battle of the bogside.

This march led to a clash with the catholics/nationalists of the bogside in derry.

Voilence increased from 1969 onwaards.

North-South relations

Irish government believed the particions was the cause of these troubles.

The RUC and loyalist paramiliteries began to attack catholic ghettos.

However in the late 60s tension grow

Relations between north and south improved during 1960s

The day the troubles began

A civil rights march in Derry was stopped by the RUC

Course of Troubles.

1971- Interment introsuced.

1970- july- falls road curfew.

August 1969

16th- British Embassy attacked in Dublin

15th- Burning of bombay street.

14th- deployment of british troops

12th- Battle of Bogside

Belfast- Peoples democracy March or the derry march, 1st January, 1969- Burntollet bridge.

5th October 1968- Duke street protest- start of troubles.

June 1968- Caledon Protest

1867- NICRA Founded.

Conn and Patricia McCluskey founded the Homeless citizens league.

Causes of the troubles

They could be put in jail without trial.

Putting people in jail on suspicion of being part of the IRA.

Civil rights and beginning of the troubles.

Catholics and nationalists in the north set up (NICRA) Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association.

Its leaders were- Gerry Fitt, John Hume, Austin Currie and Bernadette Devlin.

NICRA's demands

"End to discrimination in housing and jobs"

"End to gerrymandering"

"One man one vote"

Gerrymandering was when the unionists rigged the votes so the Catholics elected unionists in local elections.

Consituencies were divided so protestants got more votes every time.

The Welfare State

A new better generation of catholics which would not put up with discrimination.

Free secondary education which benefited catholics.

A free health service increased.

Old age pensions and social welfare benefits increased.

Protestant-catholic tension

Voting rights



education system

Divided loyalties

Protestant vs catholics

Segregation is when the nationalist and unionist communities did not mix.

Sectarianism is to dislike someone because of their religion.

Internment is people could be arrested if they were suspected of republican activities and their house could be searched without a warrant.

The special powers act was passed in 1921.

this gave power to secuirty forces.

Covernment of ireland act 1920

the northern ireland governenment formed an armed police force called the royal ulster constabulary. (RUC)

Unionists set up their own parliment at stormont

Opened by king Henry

Ireland is partitioned

What were the troubles?
The nationalists wanted more civil rights and the unionists said "no" because they didnt want the nationalists to gain power.
The troubles refers to a conflict which occurred in northern Ireland from the late 1960s to 1998, it involved unionists and nationalists.

Women in the Early Twentieth-century Ireland

Women in the independance movement
After independance women over 21 could vote.
Countess Markievicz became first women to be elected to parliament. she did not take her seat.
Women play important role in independance mvement
Women and politics
women over 30 got the vote in 1918.
influence of ww1 on votes for women
opposed by Redmond and Carson
Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington founded Irish womens franchise league
Suffragette campaign
could not be elected to parliament
Women could not vote
Women in education
Opened up new careers.
Major change from 1960s onwards
Limited education in early 1900s
changes from 1960s onwards.
smaller proportion of women managers and senior executives.
many women worked part-time
limit size of family.
married women held onto jobs
More women work outside the home
Second class citizens
Limited education.
Expected to marry and have children.
Could not vote in general elctions.
Dependant on husbands, the breadwinners.

Crime and Punishment in the 19th Century

Key Words
Trial by ordeal- innocence by painful test.
Trial by combat- Battle between acussed and acuser.
Treason- betraying a government.
transportation- Sending criminals to australia as punishment.
Terrorism- use of voilence to achieve political aims
Stocks- legs locked in place.
Silent system- can't talk to people
Seperate system- everyone in differen tcells
Sarictury- protection in a safe place, usually a church.(Midieval times)
Pilory- Your head locked in place.
Maginstrate- A judge
Hue and cry- chasing a suspected criminal with loud shouts for help
Deterrent- Punishment to discourage people from commiting crime
Capital offence- the legal killing of someone as a punishment of crime
Changes within prisons
Hulks were former naval ships put next to ports for extra prisoners tha were working in the docks.
Hard labour within a prison

The crank

A large handle which people had to turn.

The treadwheel

Some prisons it made flour.

Like walking on a treadmill.

Why was it introduced?

to stop people from getting up to mischieve.

teach them value of hard work

cheap labour

Different systems

Seperate system

By themselves in their own cell

Silent system

they were not alowed to talk to anyone. You did your hard labour in silence.

Hard labour

they had to carry out work such as on a quarry or on roads.

Peels Gaols act 1823

Seperated by gender

They weren't chained up

What were the punishments?

They were transported to australia to do free labour for there punishment (For 7 years).

They began to use punisment to improve an offender.
Executions was too severe for many crimes. the bloody code was ended.
Public hangings seen as a deterrent to crime.
Who enforced the law?
Robert Peel introduced the 1st police force they were called "Peelers". (1829)
The bloody code
More executions and 200 offences resulted in death penalty.

Ex, sheep stealing you would be hanged.

Factors influencing crime and punishment
Public opinions

people wanted more punishments

People wanted more policing

Growth of cities and towns

more oppertunities to commit crimes

People unknown to each other

Rising expectations

Advertising created expectations

People wanted tvs household appliances and cars

Economic changes

Greater gap betwween rich and poor.

Social changes and divisions

Conflict between different groups in society.

Life in Nazi Germany

Life For Workers
Hittler planned to conquer eastern europe to obtain lebensraum for workers and more raw materials.
Hittler encouraged the manufacure and design of volkswagon so everyone in the futurr ewould be able to afford a car.
The Nazis also set up:

Beauty of Labour

To improve working conditions such as better lighting and canteen food.

Strength through Joy

An orginisation to orginise leisure activities for the workers.

Rearament also provided employment this was the building of arms and vechiles for german armed forces.
He provided work through public work schemes which they build motorways (Autobahns) and housing.
He began to try to eliminate unemployment.
Hittler promised employment for everyone when he got in power.
Life For Christians
The Nazis made it difficult for christians to practice their religion.
A prodestant leader, pastor Martin Niemoller was sent to a concentration camp in 1937.
Hittler set up a prodestant national church.

Most prodestants did not agree with it.

Prodestants were also attacked.
Pope Pius XI responded be criticising the nazis in a famous statement, 'With burning anxiety'
Catholic schools were closed
Priests were harrased
He viewed the catholic community as owing loyalty to another leader, the Pope.
Many christian churches were attacked.
Life for Jews in Nazi Germany
The Nuremberg Laws were passed in 1935

"For the promotion of german blood and honour".

Jews were banned from civil services.
Many German businesses were boycotted in 1933.
Gobbels used many forms of propaganda to icrease racist feelings against jews in Germany.
Hittler was very anti-semistic.

He used the governments power to prossucate them.

Nazi organisations used to harass Jews.
Jewish children were badly treated in schools, newspapers spread stories and propaganda about jews.
They said Jews (and others) were inferior.
Germans believed that they were pure blooded- aryan race or master race (Hettrnvolk).
Life for women in nazi germany
Nazis wanted to increase birth rate.

Nazis also provided maternity benefits to increase birth rates.

Family allowences and medals for mothers with big families.

they made mariage loans.

the future wife must also give up her job

Law for reduction of unemployment 1933

the wife must have spent at least 6 months in employment.

Germans who got married recieved a loan of up to 1,000 reichmarks.

Mother schools were made which trained women how to do housework.
The name for nazi ideal women was KINDER, KUCHE, KIRCHE (Children, kitchen, church)
Nazis promoted the ideal role for women as Mothers
Life as a Young person in Nazi Germany
In education loyalty to the Fuhrer (Hittler) was taught from kindergarden to university.
Life under Nazi Propaganda
Even the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin were used as propaganda
The Nuremberg rallies and torchlight parades were used as propaganda.
Hittler was glorified
He provided cheap radios and loudspeakers along streets to ensure people could hear all the speaches.
Gobbrels was minister for national enlightenment and propaganda.
Night of the broken Glass
Hittler made the jewish community pay for all the damages.
Roughly 90 Jews were killed and others were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
On the 10th of november 1938 (The night of the broken glass) Jewish shops and synagogues were attacked.
This was an excuse for a night of violence against many Jews.
When a Jew killed a German diplomat in Paris.

Nazi Germany

killed a lot of jews
Nazi death squad
Hittler Youth
Secret Police

Led by Himmler

German army
Hittler and SA
Night of the Long knifes is when the leaders of SA were eliminated.
Ernst Rohm was head of SA.

He wanteed SA to become official army

What Happend to Opposition?
Concentration camps were set up

The 1st camp was set up in Dachau.

The camps were established soon after hittler came to power.

A work camp

The Gestapo could arrest prisoners without trial.

1929 Wall Crash
America pulled loans out of Germany.
the great depression in USA
Hittlers becomes in power
Reichstag Fire

SS and Gestapo

Gestapo were secret police.

SS Private Army

Rule by decree

Banned all other political powers

Due to enabling act Hittler became dictator..

Enabling Act

Parliament bulidings set on fire

Dutch Communist arrested for burning riechstag

4,000 communists were arrested

Germany was in a bad economical state
In 1933 Hittler becomes chancellor
Hittlers Promises
End weak democracy.

Living space for germans

Get rid of jews
Reverse treaty of Verrsailles
To be proud again
Hittlers Propaganda
He was a powerful speaker
He kept his messaages simple
Rise of Nazi party
Hittler gets 107 seats in the 1930 election
People vote for communism or nazi party
President Paul Von Hindenburg
Hittler looses support.
Keeps Hittler in check
Was a War hero
Hittlers Ideas
He gained widespread popularity.
Germany should be ruled by a Fuhrer.
Germany should take what it laks from others

Master race was Germany

Slaves and jews were subhuman.

He said he would unite with austria and take over Czechoslovakia.

he tries to make a living space for Germans.

Munich beer hall Putsch
While in jail he writes a book called Mein Kampf
He goes to jail for 5 years.
Hittler with a lot of men ran into a beer hall wih a gun and took hostages.
Attempt to take power.
Differences inbetween Communism and Facism.


You were allowed privaterly owned companies


Private owned companies were not allowed, the wealth would be shared among the people (State controlled)

You can not speak negativly about the government.
SA's and SS's

Secret police

Black shirts

Himmler was leader

SA (Brown shirts)

Ernst Rohm was incharge of the SA's

Set up by nazis

Known as 'storm troopers'.

Hittlers body guards

Nationalist Socialist German workers party
Facist, racisist, nationalists.
The SWASTIKA was the symbol
Nazi Party
Dawes Plan
The economy was rebuilding
Less people were jobless
American Government loan Roughly $200 million to Germany
German econonmy collapsed
Hyper inflation
Treaty of Versailles
Germanys Humiliation

They were forbidden to join the league of nations or unite with Austria.

Germany lost a lot of territary to England and France

they were only allowed 100,000 in their army.

They had to pay £6,600 million in compensation

Germany accept blame for war

Causes of Hitlers rise to power
It was the largest party
The SA and SS (SS black ) SA (Brown)
Hittlers Policies
Hittlers leadership of the Nazis
The Great Depression

Economic crisis.

Weakness of Wellmar republic
Spread of dictatorships
Who were the Nazis?
Adolf Hitler

Leader of Nazi party

Hermann Goering

Chief of the Luttwaffe (German airforce)

Heinrich Himmler

Head of SS

Joseph Goebbels

Responsible for probeganda

Strong opposition to communisim and socialism.
Hostile to democracy
Cult of wise leader
Extreme Nationalism

The Treaty/Civil War

Main Events of the Civil War
7th March 1923, 5 Republician
6th March 1923, Daly, one of Collins squad, kills 9 Republician prisoners in Tralee, one managed to survive, The BallySeedy Massacre.
5th March 1923, 5 free-state men blown up by a trap while clearing a road.
Sean Hales TD, shot in December 1922 while coming out of mass.
WT Cosgrave became head of state.

Faced execution if you were found with weapons.

Passes a law Called the Public Safety Bill

Collins dies in Béal na mBlath on 22nd August 1922, it was an Ambush.
Arthur Griffith dies on 12th August 1922 from a brain haemorrhage.
Munnster Republic

Free state had 60,000 people now, they took over Cork City.

Republicians went south of a line from Limerick to Waterford.

Cathal Brugha is killed during fighting in O' Connells street, irregulars/Republicians were driven out of Dublin in a week.
28th June 1922, Collins ordered the attack in four courts.
Sir Henry Wilson, was shot on 22nd June 1922 in Londn, Important field marshall.

This caused civil War.

British gave Collins a choice, sort out the four courts, or Britain will put forces back into Ireland.

Men who fighted in the war were violently against the treaty.
Dáil votes

De Valera walks out and resigns.

7 votes change the result

Anti Treaty.

Oath of allegiance.

Pro Treaty

Stepping stone to full independance.

Irish wouldnt beat britain

Better than home rule

Reaction of treaty

De Valera refused to accept treaty

Terms of the Anglo-Irish Treaty

De Valera Got the ports back just before WW2.

Governer Genral could overule any law from Dáil

British navy controlled 3 ports.

Lough Swillly County Donegal.

Berehaven in West Cork.

Cobh Spike Island

Boundry Commision

To set up boundry inbetween Irish Free state and britain.

The TDs would have to swear an OATH OF ALLEGIANCE.

Still part of British Empire.

We were allowed to have our own flag, army, stamps, passports and currency and all foreign change.

Dominion to British Commonwealth.

26 counties were called irish free state.

British Delegation

Lloyd george put Irish Delegation under huge Pressure and threatened immiatiade and terrible war.

Lloyd George, Austen Chamberlain, Lord Birkenhead and Wintson Churchill.

The Irish Delegation

The delagation were told then they could not actually sign anything.


They could sign on behalf of Dáil.

Collins and Griffith went.

Militants like Brugha and Stack refused to go.

De Valera said he would not go.

Delegates had to return to him so they did not sign under pressure.

He could control militants at home.

July to October.

They knew they were not going to get a united Ireland.

De Valera and Lloyd george still wrote letters

July meetings.

There was no Agreement.

De Valera wanted Full Indepenndance

Dominion status -King would be in charge.

De Valera knew they were not getting a united Ireland

Lloyd George made it clear they were Offering Dominion Status.

There was meeting inbetween De Valera and Lloyd George

The group of negeotiators were De Valera, Arthur Griffith, Austin Stack and Erskine Childers.

Irish negoetiations started in london on 12th july 1921.

A truce was called.

Irish Side

IRA ran out of bullets.

Economic collapse

They had no money.

Martial law was making it hard for civilians.

British were gaining upper hand in some places.

British Side

King George V was being emmbaresed.

England were poor after WW1

It would be a huge political cost

Other countries were getting angry.

They would need a lot more troops.

It would be huge financial cost

Conflict between unionists and Nationalists.

Many catholics lost jobs.

Many chatholics killed

Sectarian riots.

Special powers act

RUC- Royal Ulster Constabulary was set up.

Catholics were put in jail with out trial

This is called interment.

Unionists oppose United Ireland

War Of Independance

Devalera meets with Lloyd George.
British Government.

It caused embarresment.

Sinn Féin

The people wanted peace

IRA running short on ammunition

Major Incidents of the war of Independance.
Truce Called in 1921
IRA attack on the custom house in Dublin.

Over 80 IRA men were captured.

IRA started burning it.

De Valera Decides to attack customs house.

Collins was against it.

Ambush at Crossbarry.

1,300 troops encircled the IRA

But the British had the most Casualities.

One of the largest engagement of the war of independance.

1920 Government of Ireland Act.

Ireland was split.

The Counties Britain would have were (FATDAD).







Burning of Cork City

Pictures made news and Irish Diaspora were very angry.

The king was very angry.

They embarresed British Government

The Black and tans angry and retalliated by burning down Cork City Centre.

They were not caught

IRA outside Barracks and attempt Ambush

Kilmichael Ambush


1 Week after bloody Sunday.

This soon made international news.

They stopped the convey and killed 17 people.

Tom Barry planned ambush

The Auxilliers were brutall to west Cork Natives.

Bloody Sunday

This was very Bad publicity for the British Empire.

The King was getting very angry as it was making people turn on Britain.

Dick Mckee and Peader Clancy were arrested.

they left coffins open so people walking past saw what happened

Their bodies were mutilated

They were shot trying to escape.

Black and tans open fired on Croke park.

And shot 26 people.

Collins finds the British intelligences adresses

And the squad kill 12 of them.

Kevin Barry

Even The Pope got ivolved and asked British not to Hang Kevin Barry.

This angered many Irish Diaspora.

Put Pressure on British empire.

He was only 18 and hanged.

Collins was going to break him out but there was Women outside praying so he didnt because there would be too many deaths.

He was arrested and sentenced to death.

Terence MacSwiney.

His hunger strike took so long that it made the British empire look very bad.

It put a lot of pressure on British government.

Dies due to hunger strike in Brixton Prison, London, after 74 days.

The new Lord Mayor of Cork after MacCurtin.

RUC Kill Tomás MacCurtain

They shot him on front of his own family.

Lord mayor of Cork.

The Auxilleries
They were vicouis and were involved in burning of Cork City
Black and Tans
Over 13,000 black and tans come to Ireland.
Former solidiers brought in by government to help RUC.
Irish republican army.
Dan Breen and Sean Treacy killed two members of the RIC when police refused to surrender a consigment of gelignite they were guarding near Soloheadbeg, Co. Tipperary.
Collins and Brugha did not get along.
Cathal Brugha was the minister for Defence.
Collins was minister for finance.
They used Geurilla warfare.
De Valera was in america raising money during the fighting.
Eamonn de Valara was president of Dáil and the IRA.
British response
He recruited the Black and Tans.
David lloyd George prime minister