Topic principal
Mecanismos constitucionales para la protección de los derechos.
Type in the name of your organization or project.
This is the focal point around which you will be identifying stakeholders.
Derecho de Petición
Solicitudes verbales o escritas ante entidades publicas o privadas
Does your organization or project have suppliers?
Think about:
- Components, materials or equipment suppliers
- Consultants, advisers, and professional services
- Subcontractors and outsourced services
- Licensors and leased services
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Debe haber respuesta el 10 días
Art. 23 de la constitución P.
Por insatisfacción ante entidad publica o privada
Does your organization or project have partners?
Think about:
- Development or technology partners
- Marketing, commercial or sales partners
- Consortia or other companies in a group
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Debe haber respuesta en 15 días
Habeas Corpus
Se interpone ante juez penal de turno
Es privado de la libertad con violación de las garantías constitucionales o legales, o esta se prolongue ilegalmente.
Which employees are important in this context?
Think about:
- Functional or regional teams
- Project team leaders and members
- Subject experts and specialists
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Art.30 de la Constitución P.
Debe ser resuelto en un término de treinta y seis (36) horas.
Acciones populares y de grupo
Para la protección de los derechos e intereses colectivos.
Debe ser mínimo 20 perssonas
Se presenta ante un juez administrativo o juéz civil de circuito
Who are the key managers in your organization or project?
Think about:
- CEO, VPs and the board
- Heads of departments & team managers
- Project managers
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Acción de tutela
Se interpone ante cualquier juzgado o tribunal
Protege el derecho constitucional fundamental
If you are analyzing stakeholders for an organization, who are the owners?
Think about:
- Founders
- Investors & shareholders
- Venture capital partners
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Peticiones de Información
Cuando se indaga sobre algún hecho, acto o situación administrativa que corresponde a la naturaleza y finalidad de la entidad.
Which parts of society or the community are affected by Mecanismos constitucionales para la protección de los derechos.?
Think about:
- Economic, environmental or infrastructure impact
- Political impact or public opinion
- Interest groups, campaigners
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Por la deficiente presentación o suspensión del servicio
Does the media have an interest in Mecanismos constitucionales para la protección de los derechos.?
Think about:
- Publications and reporters
- Analysts, industry experts, and bloggers
- PR function in other stakeholder organizations
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Se presenta ante cualquier entidad o persona de la administración pública y privada prestadores de servicios públicos
Does the media have an interest in Mecanismos constitucionales para la protección de los derechos.?
Think about:
- Publications and reporters
- Analysts, industry pundits, and bloggers
- PR function in other stakeholder organizations
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Se presenta cuando se hace llegar a las autoridades la opinión del peticionario sobre una materia de actuación administrativa.
Who are the key competitors?
Think about:
- Organisations competing for your customers and their attention
- People or projects competing for priority and resources inside your organization
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Habeas Data
Conocer e incidir sobre el contenido y difusión personal que se encuentra archivada en bancos de datos
Who has an interest in your organization or project in relation to legislation or regulations?
Think about:
- Law-makers, policymakers, governing bodies
- Industry officials and inspectors
- Non-governmental organizations
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Se presenta a entidades públicas o privadas
La respuesta es de 15 días
Acción de cumplimiento
Art. 87. El cumplimiento de un deber.
Who are the key customers?
Think about:
- Potential customers, paying customers
- People representing customers
- Indirect customers, users of free services
- High profile or influential customers
Rate the importance of this stakeholder:
High power / high interest
High power / low interest
High interest / low power
Low interest / low power
Se presenta ante particulares y autoridades públicas
La respuesta es de 10 días