Categorias: Todos - nutrition - fitness - health - exercise

por Sodhi Jasmine 5 anos atrás



The individual aims to improve their diet and fitness through specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (S.M.A.R.T.) goals over a four-month period. For their dietary plan, they commit to limiting sugary drinks to one per week, only if desired, and incorporating recommended food servings from the Canadian food guide.


PAF3OF - Jasmine Sodhi

Fitness Facts That surprised me the most

3) Cancer is associated with weight gain- This one scared me the most because I'm overweight and I don't want to gain more weight because the only thing that I need to say "Cancer" is my zodiac sign, because I am a Cancer. (June 27 for your records *wink* *wink*)
2) For every pound of muscle gained, 50 calories are burned- For this one it was just surprise, because after the last shock I mentioned above^, I realized that I could lose weight by building muscle because I'll be losing fat.
1) Muscle weighs more than fat- I actually was very surprised by this because I always thought that if I built muscle, I would lose weight because muscle weighs less than fat, but in reality I found out that it was actually vice versa.

My Eating S.M.A.R.T. Goal

My Revised Dinner According to Canada's Food Guide: Whole wheat roti, red kidney bean curry, cucumber slices, carrot slices and water to drink.
T- I will try to have successfully created a healthy meal plan that I stick to by the end of this semester, which is 4 months.
R- This goal is realistic because I am not forcing myself into a diet, but instead I am slowly integrating healthier choices in my existing diet.
A- I will attain this goal by only allowing myself 1 sugary drink per week, only if I absolutely want one, but if I don't then I will not have one at all. I will also try to incorporate the food servings as recommended by the Canadian food guide into my meals.
M- I will weigh myself at the end of each month to see if the food I am eating is aiding my weight loss.
S- I want to have a healthier diet to help me lose weight.

Main Components of Fitness and how to Accomplish:

4) Agility- accomplished by dynamic exercises that switch directions or movements in a fast motion
3) Muscular Endurance- accomplished by running
2) Muscular Strength- accomplished by vertical jump or broad jump
1) Flexibility- accomplished by stand and reach test, or for dancers it can be tested by how far one can go into a straddle position.

3 Factors that are the influence to my physical fitness:

3) Will and Desire- I have the desire to lose weight and get into a healthy lifestyle, but at times I lose the will to do so, because of my low endurance. I get tired very fast, and I am not able to keep up a healthy diet, which causes me to lose sight of what my goal is and fall off track.
2) Muscular strength- I currently do not have good muscle strength but I want to build upon it. Currently it influences my physical fitness greatly because I find it hard to do certain things such as bench press, since I have not yet built up my strength.
1) Endurance- I think that endurance greatly affects my physical fitness because I do not have good stamina, which causes mt to get tires very fast especially when running. I get short of breath, my throat gets dry and scratchy, and I lose the will to want to continue to do the exercise that tired me out.

My Fitness S.M.A.R.T. Goal

T- The duration for the goal will be the remaining 4 months of the semester, but I wish to continue exercising throughout the summer.
R- This goal is realistic, but will require a lot of hard work to accomplish, which I am more than willing to put in.
A- I will attain this goal by creating a dynamic workout for myself that includes all my targeted areas. they will be a separate workout for the weight room and 109, so I can actively adapt to the resources provided to me. I will also make an effort to walk to school everyday rather than getting a ride.
M- I will weigh myself at the end of each month as well as measure around my arms, thighs, hips, and glutes.
S- I want to lose 15-20 pounds by the end of the semester, as well as tone out my thighs, hip fat, glutes, back and arms