Категории: Все - image - design - text - printing

по paulina touche 6 лет назад


communications - desktop publishing

The process of creating a desktop publishing document involves several distinct phases, each crucial to the final product's quality and effectiveness. Initially, the design phase focuses on selecting appropriate concepts, colors, fonts, and images.

communications - desktop publishing

Desktop Publishing Paulina Touché #20 9A


Menus. (2018). Retrieved from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/uxguide/cmd-menus
How to Create Desktop Publishing Documents. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-do-desktop-publishing-1073794
Top Professional Desktop Publishing Software for Windows. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.lifewire.com/top-desktop-publishing-software-windows-1078930
Desktop Publishing: Explora Secondary Schools. (2017). Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com/src_ic/detail/detail?vid=3&sid=12070942-bad9-4dab-b71e-f2b4c5aeb5e6%40sessionmgr101&bdata=#AN=DE042600&db=funk
function P, ". (2018). Best Desktop Publishing Software 2018 - Reviews, Comparison. Retrieved from https://www.toptenreviews.com/software/multimedia/best-desktop-publishing-software/
JIST Works. (2006). Occupational outlook handbook. Indianapolis, Ind.

applications of desktop publishing

("Top Professional Desktop Publishing Software for Windows", 2018)
Adobe FrameMaker: produce technical writing or complex documents for distribution methods.
Serif PagePlus X9: combines ease of use and professional output options.
QuarkXPress: adds new shape tools, transparency blend modes, smart text linking, automatic table of contents, etc.

parts of publication window

("Menus", 2018)
foreground/background colors
floating palettes
document window
options dialog box
menu bar

desktop publishing related careers

("Desktop Publishing: Explora Secondary Schools", 2017)
(Occupational outlook handbook, 2006)
desktop designer: creates documents using page layout skills on a desktop.
web designer: designing banners, ads for the web, and the overall look of a website.
graphic designer: lays out flyers, T-shirts, banners, logos, and other items.
font designer: find the right font for a printing application.
newsletter designer: takes stories that the editor designates for publications and fits them into a newsletter.

creating a document

("How to Create Desktop Publishing Documents", 2018)
printing & finishing phase: finishing, printing, and distributing.
file preparation phase: proofing, font embedding, trapping, and imposition.
image phase: image acquisition, creation, editing, conversion, and placing.
text phase: text acquisition and composition.
document setup phase: page size, margins, columns, and paragraph styles setup.
design phase: selection of concepts, colors, font, and images.

desktop publishing programs

(function P, 2018)
adobe indesign: typesetting software which can be used to create posters, flyers, brochures, etc.
xara page & layout: combines all the text and page layout features with the image editing power.
microsoft publisher: entry-level application that emphasizes page layout and design.