Computer-mediated communication (CMC)
Computer-Mediated Negotiated Interactions:
How is Meaning Negotiated in Discussion
Boards, Text Chat and Videoconferencing?
Investigation + comparasion
*Discussion board *Text-chat *Videoconferencing
Videoconferencing had more negociation turns tan the other 2
Distribution of negociation routines and negative feedback is different
Negociation work in the 3 CMC
*Foster negociations interaction
*Task type
----->closed task-open task
-negociation of meaning
-negative feedback
Contubution to the discution of the potential and benefits of CMC in interlengual development
Transformation in learning
important rules of all
*Try *Settings
1)Receptive 2)subjective 3)procedural 4)constructive
How can we create students who can create meaningful connections?
*Engage real problems *Students *Recognazing and harnessing the existing media enviroment
in N.4 students are able to créate, but they must have...
1)inventive thinking 2)creative thinking 3)connective thinking 4)participatory thinking
Students must be envolved to recreate in the real word
a negative point would be the limit of a classroom because many students don't go further.