Kategorier: Alla - memory - rehearsal - recognition - retention

av Anik Monforton för 5 årar sedan


Lecture 7 - Memory

The process of memory involves various methods and phenomena that impact how information is stored and recalled. Relearning and state-dependent learning are key processes that require individuals to recall previously understood information, often influenced by their physiological state.

Lecture 7 - Memory

Memory is enhanced when new information we receive is connected to existing knowledge we already have. Thus, by using elaborative rehearsal when obtaining new information in conjunction with retrieval of previously known information the memory can serve us better.

The ability to recall information when asked is a form of retrieval/retention.

Recalling information and recognizing information are both types of retention. Both of these methods can be used to retrieve previously understood knowledge.

Recognition and relearning are types of retention. These two methods are related due to the need to recognize something previously learned in order to measure how long it takes to relearn said material.

Relearning and state-dependent learning both involve the need to recall previously understood information.

State-dependent learning can rely on the physiological state (mood) of an individual. Additionally, motivated forgetting can also be affected by the physiological state of a person. For example, if one was upset when learning something for the first time they may repress those memories and have to relearn the task.

Motivated forgetting and false memories can both be related to the repression of memories. Otherwise, memories that didn't occur could seem real.

False memories and inference can both be related to the suppression of memories. In either case an individual can confuse or create two pieces of information that aren't actually connected.

The recency effect and decay both result in the loss of past information and the retention of the most recent information.

Inference and the recency effect are related as the retrieval of later information can be more accurate depending on the situation and environment.

Decay and amnesia are both cases of the inability to remember previously understood information.

Amnesia is the inability to retain information. When amnesia occurs, memories no longer remain in storage.

Rehearsal is an important process in the storage of memories as it transforms information to keep it active in the memory.

Maintenance rehearsal is a type of rehearsal, it is the repetition of information with little to no interpretation

Elaborative rehearsal and maintenance rehearsal are both types of rehearsal. Both of these processes involve the repitition of information. However, elaborative rehearsal also includes analysis and further processing of information.

Jordyn Mailloux

Anik Monforton

Jadyn Hayes

Lecture 7 - Memory

False Memories


Elaborative Rehearsal


Recency Effect




Maintenance Rehearsal

State-Dependent Learning





Motivated Forgetting (Repression)