类别 全部 - constitution - federalism - amendments - nationalism

作者:James Koziol 5 年以前


Government and Politics

The comparative analysis of the UK and US constitutions delves into how federalism shapes governance in both nations. Federalism divides powers between national and state governments, affecting elections, political parties, and policies.

Government and Politics



Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels



Revolutionary Socialism

The Economy

The State

Rosa Luxemburg

Beatrice Webb

Anthony Crossland

Anthony Giddens


The Third Way

Marxism-Leninism (Orthodox Communism)

Social Democracy

Democratic Socialism


Utopian Socialism


One Nation Conservatism

Christian democracy

New Right conservatism

Micheal Oakeshott

Thomas Hobbes

Edmund Burke

Ayn Rand

Response to egalitarianism and fascism

Traditional Conservatism

The state

Robert Nozick

John Stuart Mill


Mary Wollstonecraft

John Locke

John Rawls

Classic liberalism

Transitional Liberalism

Social Liberalism

Modern Liberalism

Betty Friedan




Human Nature


Amendments to the Constitution

The Amendments Process

Advantages of the Process
Constitiutionals conventions called by states ensure against veto being operate by congress
Gives an magnified voice to the smaller states
Ensures both federal & states government must favour the proposal
Lengthy & Complicated process makes it less likely to be amended on temporary issues
Super-majorities ensures against a small majorities imposes it will on a large minorities
An Amendment need to be ratified by either three-quarters of state legislatures or three-quarters of ratifying conventions
Only ever passed when proposed in congress (27) and almost always ratified by state legislatures (26)
An Amendment can be proposed by either two thirds of the House & Senate or by Legislatures in two-thirds of states calling for a national constitutional convention

Why has the Constitution been so rarely Amended

The Bill of Rights & Later amendments


Checks & Balances

Separation of Powers

Constitutional Rights

Comparing the UK and US Constitution

The Nature Of The Constitution


The Application of extra legal safeguards to constitutional provisions to make it more difficulty to amend or abolish

A Blend of specificity & vagueness

Concurrent powers : Powers belonging to both state & federal
Reserved Powers : Powers that belong to the states
Implied Powers : Powers inferred from the Constitution
Delegated Power: power given to federal government
Other powers are very vague like the power of congress to 'provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States'.
The Constitution is specific in regards to some powers like the power to collect taxes

A Codified Constitution

The American constitution consists of sevens articles which explain the relationship between the three branches of government & the various powers
A constitution that consists of a full and authoritative set of rules written down in a single text.

The Constitution


Consequences Of Federalism

Economic Consequences
Consequences for Political Party
Consequences for Elections
Policy Consequences
Legal Consequences

Key Concepts

The Compromise
Limit Government

Phases of federalism

New Federalism
Under Barack Obama
Under George W. Bush
Regulated Federalism
Cooperative Federalism
Dual Federalism

The Changing federal-state relationship

Constitutional amendments
Supreme Court Justice
Foreign policy
The Great Depression
Improvement in communications
Westward Expansion

UK Government and Politics


Democracy & Political participation


What is Democracy?

Main topic