作者:Deirdra Deswood 12 年以前
Email : tatiana.shubin@sjsu.edu
She talked about this magical machince that she created . A 1-2 Machine.
we did several exercise in class and discussed other magical machines we could create.
Mindomo activity
create a mindomo account
Read base eight and do work sheet
Investigating Quantity Base Blocks in Other Bases Name________________________
Using the Base-10 base blocks as a guide, sketch the base blocks (a unit, a long, a flat and a cube) for the specified bases.
Cube Flat Long Unit
1. In Base-2, what are digits are used?
2. In Base-2, what are the first four place values?
Cube Flat Long Unit
1. In Base-3, what are digits are used?
2. In Base-3, what are the first four place values?
Cube Flat Long Unit
1. In Base-4, what are digits are used?
2. In Base-4, what are the first four place values?
Extension Question:
In a Base-b, where b can is a whole number greater than one, how many digits are needed and what are the first four place values?
• Journal: Fibonacci Numbers and Nature
Use the internet to research how the Fibonacci sequence is expressed in nature. Once you have understand the variety of ways the Fibonacci sequence is expressed in nature answer the following questions.
1. Imagine you have discovered a new species of plant life. Where might you look for Fibonacci numbers? Justify your answer.
2. Sketch the family tree of the honey bee: The male bee has 1 parent, and the female bee has 2 parents. The male bee has 2 grandparents, and the female bee has 3 grandparents. The male bee has 3 great-grandparents, and the female bee has 5 great-grandparents. The male bee has 5 great-great-grandparents, and the female bee has 8 great-great-grandparents. The male bee has 8 great-great-great-grandparents, and the female bee has 13 great-great-great-grandparents. Describe how the Fibonacci sequence exhibited in the genealogy of the honeybee.
1. Discuss the importance of the "Understanding the Problem" step. Identify at least three questions a student could use to assist in understanding the problem.
2. Discuss the importance of the "Devising a Plan" step. Identify at least three questions a student could use to assist in devising a plan.
3. Discuss the importance of the "Looking Back" step.
Read Understanding a Child's Development of Number Sense and watch the Embedded Videos.
Than answer the fallowing questions:
• Why might Cena be able to write two-digit numerals correctly without being able to explain the meaning of digits?
• What reasons might there be for the differences in Cena's performance during the whole class lesson as compared to the individual interview?
• How would you describe Jonathan's understanding of place value as compared to Cena's understanding?
• How would you compare Rudy's understanding of place value to Cena's and Jonathan's understandings?
Read the Article on the Chinese Numeral System
Discuss what you think about Chinese numbers and how have it improve your understanding about number sense/system. (300 words, double space)
Students were put into groups of three's and assigned to a numbering system. one of these:
1.The Mayan Number System
2.The Egyptian Number System
3.The GReek Number System
4.The Babaylonian Number System
click on the hyperlink and read and research the Number system and create a powerpoint presenation. (history)
Assignment #3 opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com
and type in from fish to infinity.
Journal entry
After reading the article "From Fish to Infinity" answer the following questions:
1. The author writes "Six is more ethereal than six fish...It’s the ineffable thing they all have in common." What does the author mean?
2. Look up and record a few definitions of the words number and numeral on the internet before responding to the following question. The author asks "Where exactly do numbers come from? Did humanity invent them? Or discover them?" What do you think? Explain your reasoning.
Talked a little about chomsky and watched a video of him on the purpose of education
Introduce to ways of problem solving using these:
1.Understand the problem
2.Plan by creating charts, tables, ect.
3.Implement your plans
4.Reflect on your work
Instructor used several techniques including visual diagrams and working in groups of three's. Went over two problems in class and assigned one homework.
Journal entry
1. Discuss the importance of the "Understanding the Problem" step. Identify at least three questions a student could use to assist in understanding the problem.
2. Discuss the importance of the "Devising a Plan" step. Identify at least three questions a student could use to assist in devising a plan.
3. Discuss the importance of the "Looking Back" step.