arabera bilal chraibi 3 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Retrocompatilibty is NTH
Convert script ?
One or the other is fine
We could code new features in new technologies
Component-based approach
Incremental approach
Split features ?
move admin features to new technology
use Iframes style ?
React ? Easier than Angular
Es5 to es6 ?
Ask kendo about upgrading jquery
Remove progressively ?
Nectari Security
do we need to change BD / what happens when we upgrade
Script to migrate
plug identity with existing BD ?
@lib handling
Connection details of additional connectors
OLEDB to review
olap jobservice calls to redo
Check with clients that have the BIService installed without the webclient
Need to change the documentation
Need to check where the logs will be stored
The JobService and the distribution needs to be changed into webAPIs as well
Fix the pipeline of the build
QA and test integration
need to fix the package installation
need to fix the cloud provisionning
distribution calls to redo
rewrite calls of scheduler
excel add-in calls to redo
rewrite wcf calls to webapi (swagger)
Plug WCF service generator
Shared project reuse type
Not solved the proper way. We have manual part in that
Cloud ?
Better machine
Cloud vs On Prem
Agents not working
History ?
Prod vs release vs new feature vs bug fixes
Do we need to branch often
How can I test code and debug nuget without committing a new nuget
is monorepo a bad thing ? see google
How many repos would we need ?
We don't want too many
Alain is working on providing the big picture of the pipelines/builds/packages
front-end modernization