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arabera Abigail Frewin 4 years ago


Abigail Frewin's grade 9 CCA

Abigail Frewin's grade 9 CCA

Abigail Frewin's grade 9 CCA

King David (4th covenant)

This lesson was all about king David, his life, and who he was. I learned in this lesson that young king David was a brace Shepard that defeated goliath, no one came forward to fight goliath, David volunteered with only his slingshot and the hope that god is with him. One stone hit goliath on his head and chopped of his head (success for king Saul). The important battle where both Jonathan (Saul’s son) and Saul were killed is when David automatically became king. David conquered Jerusalem, he ruled for 40 years and had many talents such as playing the harp, psalms, being a warrior, poet and a king. Saul previously challenged David to kill 100 men and bring back proof and he would let him marry his daughter. David made plans to build a temple in the capital city (Jerusalem), but his 2nd son Solomon executes the plan to store the ark.

Decalogue- 10 commandments

This lesson was about the 10 commandments that god gave us to follow to life a successful life with healthy relationships, the 10 commandments are, Do not worship any other gods, Do not make any idols, Do not misuse the name of god, Keep the sabbath holy, Keep the sabbath holy, Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not lie, Do not covet. I found most of the 10 commandments very straightforward, but I didn’t understand what do not covet and what do not commit adultery meant at first but I now understand that do not covet means to not wish for what you do not own and envy people for things, do not commit adultery means to not cheat when in a relationship. I think that all of the commandments are equally as important, but personally one that stands out to me is “do not make any idols”, I think that this stand out to me because it happens a lot in this world with many people being very materialistic

Lesson 2.7: Beatitudes

This lesson is about the beatitudes and how to live a life where you don’t judge others. The beatitudes are, blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, blessed are they who mourn; for they shall be comforted, blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth, blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness; for they shall be satisfied, blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy, blessed are the pure of heart; for they shall see god, blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of god, blessed are they the persecuted for the sake of righteousness; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I learned that those pure of heart and that followed the beatitudes will see god in all their actions, they will acquire the new heart as they follow Christ. Another thing that I learned in the beatitudes lesson is spiritual peace, those who advocate for spiritual peace promote understanding, reconciliation with enemies, quenching hatred, and uniting those who are divided.

Lesson 2.6: Baptism

This lesson all about baptism and I learned a lot about baptism and the church in this lesson. I learned that the seven sacraments are separated into 3 different categories Initiation- Into the church baptism, communion, confirmation, Healing- Anointing of the sick/reconciliation and service- holy orders, marriage. I also learned that adults can also be baptized which I did not previously know, I assumed that just babies and young children. You wear a white garment to represent purity in your life and you can only be baptized once. One more thing that I learned in this lesson it the importance of godparents and what they stand for, I did not know that godparents had to be over 16 years of age and you could only have 2 godparents.

Lesson 2.5: The importance of Palm Sunday

This lesson was about the importance of Palm Sunday, before this lesson I don’t know that Palm Sunday was, but I know what it is and the importance behind it. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of “great week”, great week is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus entered into Jerusalem on a donkey from the mount of olives. Crosses made from palm leaves are now carried during the Palm Sunday mass in many churches.