Computagailuaren belaunaldiak
Type in the name of your subject.
3. Belaunaldia. Zirkuitu integratuak
Add detailed notes about each lecture, so that when the time comes to prepare for exams, you will have an easier and quicker overview.
Beste ekipamendu elektronikoen fabrikazioan ere zirkuitu integratuak erabili ziren
Add a short description of your homework and any details you need in order to understand and complete the task.
Erabiltzaileak sistema eragile askoz konplexuago eta eraginkorragoak era biltzen hasi ziren
Teleprozezatzea eta multiprogramazioak ohikoenak dira
Add a list of questions to help you recap your lecture.
Diseñu garapena eta beren kostu baxua izan zen oso garrantzitzua komputagailuak komertziaizatzeko
Write down if there are things you would like to discuss or clarify with your teacher or colleagues in relation to this topic.
Ordenagailuen tamainua txikitxen hasi ziren
Add a short description of the lecture.
Add here all the details about your projects.
sektore askotan komertzializatu ziren
Belaunaldi bateko lehen ordenagailuak energia automatikoko lindustria batek garatu zituen
Jarraibideak memoria batean gordetzen ziren
Programazio lengoia baten mende zeuden
Mikroprozezadorea sortu zen
tamainu txikiketa makinetan
Add the team members.
1.Belaunaldia. Hodi hutsak
Schedule your course ahead. Knowing all the information will make everything easier.
Add the class information for each week.
Bakarrik konpondu ahal zuten arazo bat une berean
Instrusio errazak eta sinpleak
makina hizkuntzan programatuta zeuden
Oso handiak ziren
Add class name.
6.Belaunaldia.Sare informatikoak
Add key information about the books you've read. If you feel it's necessary, you can add a small summary of your readings in the Notes section.
Ordenagailuetarako arkitektura betoriala eta paralelo estandarra bihurtzen da
Kapazitatea handitzen da eta tamainuak txikitzen dira
Softwarrak eboluzionatzen dira
Hadwarren oponente sortzen dira
Intérnela ezinbestekoa bihurtzen da
Ofertak egon siren baita ordenagailuen eta hainbat aparatuen askuntza
Add summary of the content of a book
5.Belaunaldia. Ordenagailu eramangarriak
Review your resource requirements and tick off the devices you will need as well as their availability. Add others, if necessary.
Add other resources:
Windows 95en sorrera, ordenagailu eta bportatilen salkuntzak eragin zituen
Compap Porableren ospeagatik ekipo klonatuak sortu ziren
Dvd ezinbestekoa bihurtzen da gauzak gordetzeko
Software nivel dwsberdinak sortu ziren
Gende gehiaho erabiltzen asten da
Abiadura eta memoria kantitatea handitzen da
Type in all the info you would like to know about this subject. If there is something you don't know yet, no problem! You can fill in the blanks along the way.
Computagailu redeak sortu ziren
Did your teacher present the objectives of this course? Write them down and add anything else that might help you reach these objectives.
Berriz ordenagailuen txikiketa, etaordenagailu sinpleagoak
Add details about your teachers' evaluation criteria. This way you will know the aspects you need to focus on.
Potentzia,kapazitatea eta efektibitatea hobetu zen
Write down the attendance policy, to avoid confusion throughout the year.
Computagailu pertsonalak
Type in the name of your teachers and teacher assistants, plus any details you should know about them.
mikrotxik lehenak sortu ziren
Add details about your course.