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arabera Joni Karels 7 years ago


Math1512: Integers by Joni Karels

The content focuses on a mind map designed for teaching students in grades 3-5 about integers. It's intended as a resource for teachers to facilitate whole-class, group, partner, or individual learning experiences.

Math1512: Integers by Joni Karels


INTEGERS By Joni Karels

The target audience for my Mind Map are students in grades 3-5. Teachers should be able to use this interactive lesson as well, to help teach students as a whole class, in groups, in partners, and individual learning.

The goal of my mindmap is for teachers to try to figure out a scenario that would require students to evaluate the type of expression you are wanting them to evaluate using integers. Students will be able to use this tool to learn what integers are. They will be taught how to find absolute value of an integer, as well as being able to solve equations with the use of a number line and with colored counters. The areas of concentration will be on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers; using both positive and negative numbers.

The resources that are apart of my mind map consist of youtube tutorials, mathblogs, games, lesson plans, pintrest, and wordpress, to name a few.

Practice: Exercises

Online math fun and games


Double Negatives
Sum of Signs

Game: Pick a Path

More games

Ways to Represent Integers

|x| Absolute Value

What are integers?

Integers are a special group or category of numbers that: A) Consist of the set of numbers: {…-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…} B) Are all positive and negative whole numbers, which do not include any fractional or decimal part.


The students will be able to:

  1. Restate that the quotient of two integers with unlike signs is a negative integer.
  2. Restate that the quotient of two integers with like signs is a positive integer.
  3. Perform division of two integers with like signs.
  4. Perform division of two integers with unlike signs.
  5. Describe the procedure for dividing integers with like sign; with unlike signs.
  6. Apply the procedures for the division of integers to examples.


The students will be able to:

  1. Restate that the product of two integers with unlike signs is a negative integer.
  2. Restate that the product of two integers with like signs is a positive integer.
  3. Define the Associative Law of Multiplication.
  4. Perform multiplication of two integers with like signs and unlike signs.
  5. Apply the procedures for multiplying integers to complete exercises.

Multiplying and Dividing Integers


The students will be able to:

  1. Perform subtraction of integers using a number line.
  2. Perform subtraction of integers using colored counters.
  3. Recognize the need for an arithmetic procedure for subtracting large integers.
  4. Perform subtraction of integers using arithmetic procedure.
  5. Apply the procedure for subtracting integers to complete exercises.


The Student will be able to:

  1. Recognize that the sum of two negative integers is a negative integer.
  2. Perform addition of tow positive and integers.
  3. Describe the procedure for adding integers with unlike signs.
  4. Describe and use absolute value.
  5. Recognize that the sum of any integer and its opposite is equal to zero.
  6. Apply the procedures for adding integers to complete exercises.

Adding and Subtracting Integers

Why Learn about integers?

Without the ability to use the negative numbers, weather would likely only be referred to as "cold" without any specific meaning about how cold (or perhaps dangerous) the weather is. Integers give a better description, allowing for the difference between -5C and -50C to be understood. In financial work such as accounting or banking, a lack of negative numbers would require moving large amounts of currency by hand as the only expression of change. Integers as a whole complete the descriptions required for deposits and withdrawals, and a system of accounting has grown around this to describe transactions precisely and accurately. https://www.reference.com/math/integers-important-86bdc5d93ad00f84#
Integers are an important part of calculations in many different branches of thought, ranging from banking to sports to weather. Playing a video game, reviewing deposits or withdrawals in a checking account or even looking at weight all require integers. They not only show a direct relationship to some starting point, but they also give description and meaning to the numbers that occur in everyday situations.