The article discusses the essential role motivation plays in student achievement, particularly in subjects like math that may not naturally interest every student. It emphasizes that students learn best when they are engaged and find the material relevant to their lives.
Is there every a point where
a student just can't get
motivated enough for math? And may never?
What are the main findings/topics
Students best learn when they feel it is relevant to them
Students NEED to be engaged
and motivated in order to retain
knowledge and learn things well.
What do you already know about the
article just reading the title?
article just reading the title?
Students need to be motivated
in order to learn properly
3-4 sentence summary in my own words
This article is good for understanding what children need in order to succeed not only in math, but in any subject, especially if that subject is one they don't particularly love. It shows different ways you can keep children engaged so they don't lose interest but even enjoy math, through things like incentives and expectations. Overall it was a pretty good article and definitely helped connect motivation and success.
What can you take away from
the article to make your future
math classroom successful?
They do well when their expectations are to do well
Students do well when they can get incentives
Students are motivated when they expect to be successful
What are the ideas/hypotheses
the article will explore?