arabera evelyn carballo 1 year ago
Honelako gehiago
What problem do you want to solve?
Type in the box.
Create a plan of how to solve the problem.
Brote propagado.
Periodo de incubación
What actions will you take?
La exposición.
What is the expected effect of this action related to your problem?
Now it's time to execute your plan.
You can also:
Thanks for Mind Mapping!
This branch will guide you to think about the possible solutions available to your problem.
Think about your problem and Complete the sentence
Think about your problem and complete the sentence
How might we ...
Type in the answers
To solve your problem 'Pasos para la investigación de brotes. ' you need to establish clear goals of what you want to achieve.
Write down your goals, each goal on a new branch connected to this topic.
What are your goals by solving this problem?
To understand your problem this branch will guide you to:
Describe your problem in detail
Press the next below to continue.
Describe the ideal situation if this problem didn't exist.
What do others, who are not involved think about this problem?
What is the cause of this problem?
Describe the current situation of the problem.
What is happening now?
Type your answer in the box.