Type in the name of the project that is under review, and press Enter.
Persamaan Keadaan Gas Ideal
Review the analysis of performance, what went well and what could have gone better and summarise the changes that you will make as a result of this review.
Think about changes to:
- Project planning, resourcing, and management
- Risk assessment and control
- Information available to team members
- Requirements management
- Technical processes
- Change control
- Testing
Hukum Boyle-Gay Lussac
Hukum Boyle- Gay Lussac adalah “hasil kali antara tekanan dan volume dibagi suhu pada sejumlah partikel mol gas adalah tetap”.
When will the implementation of the change be followed up?
Add a follow-up date or meeting.
P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
PV/T = Konstan
Hukum Gay-Lussac
Pernyataan Hukum Gay-Lussac adalah “jika volume suatu gas dijaga konstan, tekanan gas akan sebanding dengan suhu mutlaknya”. Artinya, proses berlangsung dalam keadaan isokhorik (volume tetap).
When will the change be implemented?
Add a target date for completion.
P1/T1 = P2/T2
P/T = Konstan
Hukum Charles
Hukum yang ditemukan oleh Jacques Charles ini menyatakan bahwa “jika tekanan suatu gas dijaga konstan, maka volume gas akan sebanding suhu mutlaknya”. Istilah lain dari Hukum Charles ini adalah hasil bagi antara volume dan suhu pada tekanan tetap (isobar) akan bernilai tetap
V1/T1 = V2/T2
V/T = Konstan
Hukum Boyle
Pernyataan Hukum Boyle adalah “jika suhu suatu gas dijaga konstan, maka tekanan gas akan berbanding terbalik dengan volumenya”. Istilah lainnya bisa dinyatakan sebagai hasil kali antara tekanan dan volume suatu gas pada suhu tertentu adalah tetap (isotermal).
Who will implement the change?
Identify the person(s) responsible for implementing this change.
P1V1 = P2V2
PV = Konstan
Pengertian Gas Ideal
Gas ideal adalah sekumpulan partikel gas yang tidak saling berinteraksi satu dengan lainnya. Artinya, jarak antarpartikel gas ideal sangat berjauhan dan bergerak secara acak.
The objectives of the review should be explained to participants and kept in mind during the review.
Add an objective after reviewing your project.
Persamaan Umum Gas Ideal
PV = NkT
P.Mr = PRT
P.Mr = m/V.R.T
PV = m/Mr.R.T
PV = nRT
Who should take part in the project review?
- Customer representatives
- User representatives
- Project managers
- Team members
- Quality Assurance staff
Add a participant.
Energi dalam Gas Ideal
Saat seluruh energi kinetik tersebut dijumlahkan, muncullah besaran yang disebut energi dalam gas ideal (U). Energi dalam gas ideal dipengaruhi oleh derajat kebebasannya.
Energi dalam untuk gas monoatomik, seperti He, Ne, Ar
Energi dalam untuk gas diatomik, seperti O2, N2, H2
What could have gone better
Add an area that could have gone better, and which could be improved in future projects.
Energi kinetik gas ideal disebabkan oleh adanya gerakan partikel gas di dalam suatu ruangan. Gas selalu bergerak dengan kecepatan tertentu. Kecepatan inilah yang nantinya berpengaruh pada energi kinetik gas.
Ek = 2/3 kT = 3/2 NkT = 3/2 RT
What changes could be made to processes and methods to avoid default in future projects?
Think about:
- Project management and planning
- Risk assessments
- Project communication
- Requirements management
- Technical processes
- Change control
- Testing
Tekanan Gas Ideal
Add an area that performed well, that the team was proud of and that you would like to repeat on future projects.
Keberadaan gas di ruang tertutup bisa mengakibatkan adanya tekanan. Tekanan tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya tumbukan antara partikel gas dan dinding tempat gas berada.
P = 1/3 N.m.v/V = 2/3 N/V.Ek
Sifat Gas Ideal
Energi kinetik rata-rata molekul gas ideal sebanding dengan suhu mutlaknya.
Add some information about the quality performance of your project.
- Did you have a quality plan for your project?
- Did you use formalized processes or methods during the project?
- Did you verify designs against requirements?
- Did you validate deliverables against designs and requirements?
- What proportion of defects could have been foreseen and designed out earlier?
- What was the overall impact of rework or redesign on the project?
Berlaku Hukum Newton tentang gerak.
Add some information about the risk performance of your project.
- Did you keep a log of potential risks?
- Did you take action to control risks?
- How many of the identified risks actually occurred? Were you able to control their impact?
- How many problems arose which had not been identified as risks? Could some of these have been predicted?
Partikel gas bergerak secara acak ke segala arah.
Add some information about the impact of change in your project.
- Did you keep a log of changes?
- Did you use a change control method in your project?
- What were the origins of changes in your project? Did they come from the customer, from clarified specifications, or from unexpected issues?
- Did you have to make changes to the original scope to meet other constraints?
Partikel gas tersebar secara merata di dalam ruangan.
Add some information about the performance of deliverables.
- Did the project plan define deliverables?
- Were the deliverables completed on time?
- Did you have defined acceptance criteria?
- What was the initial acceptance rate?
- Was further work needed to bring deliverables up to the required level? What impact did this have on the project?
Tumbukan yang terjadi antara partikel gas dan dinding ruangan merupakan tumbukan lenting sempurna.
Add some information about performance against requirements.
- Did you have a set of requirements at the start of the project?
- How clear were these requirements?
- How well were you able to meet these requirements?
- Did the requirements change during the project?
- Was there any impact from changing requirements?
- Were changing requirements identified as a project risk?
Jika dibandingkan ukuran ruangan, ukuran partikel gas ideal bisa diabaikan.
Add some information about the timescale performance of the project.
- Did you have a plan with dated milestones?
- Did you achieve the milestone dates?
- Did you need to make changes to keep to the plan?
- What were the reasons for running late or ahead?
Tidak ada interaksi antarpartikel atau tidak ada gaya tarik menarik antarpartikelnya.
Add some information about the financial performance of the project.
- Did you have a planned budget?
- How close to the budget was it?
- Did you need to make some changes to keep it within budget?
- What were the reasons for going under or over budget?
Partikelnya berjumlah banyak.
Add some information about the performance of the communication of the project.
- Did you have a communications plan?
- Did all project stakeholders know enough about the project at the right times?
- Could the project participants find the information they needed, in the expected places?
- Did the project stakeholders provide all the information and feedback needed?
Add some information about the performance of the communication inside the project.
- Did you have a communications plan?
- Did all project stakeholders know enough about the project at the right times?
- Could the project participants find the information they needed, in the expected places?
- Did the project stakeholders provide all the information and feedback needed?