Kategoriak: All - innovation - rights - war - technology

arabera Plae Say Plae Say 4 years ago


Trends and change in Canada

Canada experienced significant social changes between 1914 and 2000, marked by innovations and shifts in social norms. During World War I, the use of chlorine gas by Germany had a detrimental impact, claiming many Canadian lives.

Trends and change in Canada

Trends and change in Canada

Political change


Description - Nunavut becomes a Territory it was the result of decades of talks between the indigenous and Canada government

effect - good effect on canada

explanation for effect - Canada cam con control their law and their government

explanation for effect- this was the first time Canadian because governors general for the queen.

Description - Vincent Massey is first Canadian to become governor - general

explaanation for effect - they can save the government spans arrest the terroist.

Description - war measures act use fir second time because terroist kidnapped a Quebec government so Pierre Trudeau used it to arrest the terrorist


Effect - good and bad effect on Canada

Explanation for effect - bad because they sell all Japanese property and remove them from their home. Good because they Japanese might be a spy and they may help Japan win the war.

Description - Japanese internment begins in 1942 , they arrest family, took their home and dell their property.

explanation for effect - Chinese immigration never do anything to them all they did was help Canada.

Description - government trying to reduce Chinese immigration to zero.

explanation for effect- Canada would have enough soldiers for the war.

Description- the government wants to bring in conscription to makes sure that there were enough soldiers

explanation for effect - the government have to much power and citizens won’t speak up because they government will arrest them.

Description - the government could control Communication including the media take a arrest and deport anyone without a good reason, they control how businesses work.

economic change

effect - bed effect on Canada

Explanation of effect- people would have less jobs , less money and hard to live.

Description - cod fishery collapse in Newfoundland, fishing was the biggest jobs in Newfoundland before this.

effect - Good effect on Canada

explanation of effect - they get rid of tax and they can save a lot of money

Description - North America free trade agreement is signed

explanation for effect- not everyone would have enough Frodo cuz we have more people and less job too.

Description - after world war 1 two millions children were born every years.

effect - it has a good affect on Canada

Explanation ofF effect- if more people in Canada have jobs, they will have more money and can afford things to live.

Description - Canada and the United States sign an agreement so certain amount of car in Canada are made in Canadian factory.

effect - bad effect on Canada

explanation for effect - a lot of people were injured or some might be die .

description - worker wanted money government help in the Great Depression so they tried to go to Ottawa to protect, government stop them in Regina and a riot broke out

effect - good effect on Canada

Explanation for effect - Canada have control of their own banks and can print more money when needed.

Description - Bank of Canada open so they can print and control their own money.

effect - bad effect on the people

ecplanation for effect - people could never t buy a lot of the stuff because the soldiers need them.

Description - government set limits on how much price could go up so businesses made less money, also people can not buy a lot of stuff.

effect|- it’s has good effect on Canada

Explanation for effect- soldiers will need the money so supply, food so they can win the war.

Description - to help pay the war Canada put a new tax on the money people make.

Social change


Effect good effect on Canada

explanation for effect - if students need to find someone about someone or something they can just go to Wikipedia.

Description - Wikipedia was created to find information about something

Boys that love boy or girl that love girl have the right to marry each other and love each other.

Description - same sex married allow


Effect - good effect on Canada

expanation for effect- goalie won’t get hurt.

Description - goalie masks were made for hockey goalie won’t get hurt during the match.

Effec - good effect on Canada

explanation for effect - city will be clean and street will be cleaner.

Description - green garbage beg were invented so you could put your grabage in it and don’t have to throw it out.


Effect - it has good effect on Canada

Explanation for effect - people will paint their wall or house faster and save a lot of time.

Description - paint roller was invented so you could save a lot of time painting your well or stuff

Ex 2

Effects it has bad effect on Canada

explanation for effect- it kill many Canadian soldiers.

Description - German use chlorine gas weapon use in ww1



it Has good effect on Canada


Manitoba give women the right to vote for the first time in 1916