arabera Uroš Mitrović 2 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Type in the title for your document into the Central Topic.
The title should reflect the subject and the purpose of the document.
Read more guidance and tips on using Mindomo to create documents.
The conclusions bring together the important findings or recommendations from your document.
Tip: write the conclusions second, after writing the summary.
Some readers might read just the executive summary and the conclusions, without reading the main body. Conclusions can be longer than the executive summary, as you should mention the important reasons behind your findings or recommendations.
Raditi na tome da postanem bolja osoba i da smanjim broj mana i problema koje imam trenutno
Steći nova prijateljstva i održati stara
Putovati sa prijateljima po Evropi
Postati programer ili muzički producent
Završiti fakultet
Izbaciti solo album na kojem već radim
Pisati pesme za rock bend u nadi da će bar neko čuti i da će mu se svideti
Osnovati rock bend sa prijateljima
The body of your document will depend on the type of document. The important characteristics are:
Ne poštujem sebe onoliko koliko poštujem ljude oko sebe
Strpljiva osoba
Koristim i svoje i tuđe greške da bi naučio nešto novo
Dobro primanje kritika
Judo i Judo takmičenja
Elektrotehničar informacionih tehnologija
Elektrotehnička škola "Nikola Tesla" Niš
1.godina srednje škole
Programiranje igrica(Unity i Javascript)
Vožnja bicikle
Sviranje gitare
The introduction to your document explains who it is for, and why it is important to them.
If you assume that your readers need some specific knowledge to be able to read and use the document, mention it here.