Kategoriak: All - herbivores - camouflage - communication

arabera Onika Schoneman 2 years ago


What does the chipmunks life look like?

Chipmunks are small mammals belonging to the rodent family, closely related to squirrels, marmots, groundhogs, and prairie dogs. As herbivores, they primarily consume plants, berries, and nuts.

What does the chipmunks life look like?

What does the chipmunks life look like?

How does the chipmunks color help it?

The chipmunks color helps it because a plain color or a color that only has one color would stand out. Pretty much the chipmunk hides in plain sight.

Where do chipmunks live?

Chipmunks can live from Canada all the way to Mexico. They can live in bushy forests, jungles, deserts, towns, and maybe even in your backyard! They have homes that have several rooms. One room may have much food, and the next may be the bathroom. P.U. Some dig burrows, and others live in hollow logs, trees, and bushes.

how do chipmunks communicate?

Chipmunks have many ways of communicating. It shows pleasure by making soft, low rumbling noise in it's throat. When it is threatened, it makes a loud chirp or scolds with a loud, noisy call. When chipmunks are not sure if there is danger, they stand up on their hind legs, and stamps one foot after another.

Why do chipmunks store up so much food in winter?

Chipmunks store up food for winter because they need calories. They hibernate just like bears do, but wake up every once and a while to eat. They store food in their nests and find food, and bury the food in small holes and cover it up with dirt. When they are hungry, the dig it up and eat.

Main topic

Why do chipmunks dig holes and bury their food?

Chipmunks bury their food because they do not want other animals stealing it. Food is very valuble in winter, and chipmunks are smart about it. They bury food ahead of time so that there is plentiful in winter.

What are chipmunks related to?

Chipmunks are mammals that belong to the rodent family. They are related to squirrels most of all, but are also related to marmots, groundhogs, prairie dogs, and more. They are herbivores. This means that they do not eat meat, and only eat plants, berries, and nuts.