arabera Jason Bell 10 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Students answer questions on a handout about the conditions of trench warfare. Teacher will collect and grade handouts to assure comprehension of key concepts of trench warfare.
Students will engage in an activity in which they act out trench warfare using paper balls as ammunition.
Teacher will circulate through the class during the activity. Teacher will guide the activity and reinforce key ideas about trench warfare while students act it out.
Teacher will guide discussion at end of class then grade responses to final critical question above.
Students will end the class by answering the question "How will the system of alliances affect the course of the war?"
Students will engage in a quick write about alliances and loyalty
Teacher will grade students responses to check for understanding of the reasons why the U.S. entered the war. Teacher will also determine if students grasp the importance of U.S. intervention in the war.
Students will respond to a critical thinking question about whether the U.S. should have intervened in WWI.
Teacher will guide discussions and monitor student group discussions providing clarity and direction when needed.
Teacher will read and grade the students graphic organizer and return them with appropriate corrections and comments.
Teacher will continuously ask questions during the lesson to ensure students are understanding the material. Teacher will circulate through the class while they analyze the document and provide assistance when needed.
Students will analyze the primary source document then complete a graphic organizer.
Students write their responses to the critical thinking questions. Teacher will grade these to check for comprehension.
Teacher will consistently pause to answer questions and make sure students are correctly filling in their guided notes.
Students will complete a word activity. During the word search activity, the teacher will circulate around to classroom to see that students are correctly identifying the terms.