What situation are you examining?
Type in the name of the situation that you are examining with the Reframing Matrix, and press Enter.
The situation could be a problem, an opportunity, a threat, a weakness or any issue that needs action.
Biópsia do vilo corial
DNA fetal
Olho puxado, etc.
Cabelo fino
Cabeça redonda
Boca pequena
Retardo mental.
Brainstorm points around 'SÍNDROME DE DOWN' from the perspective of people.
- Who is involved or affected?
- How are they involved or affected?
- What are the consequences for them?
- What are their reactions and opinions?
- What do they want or expect us to do?
- Are we communicating with them effectively?
No Brasil tem cerca de 1 em cada 700, totalizando 270 mil indivíduos.
Brainstorm points around 'SÍNDROME DE DOWN' from the perspective of future potential.
- Is this issue holding us back?
- Does it represent an opportunity or an upside?
- Will it get worse, stay the same or get better? How?
- What happens if we do nothing?
- If other things change in the future, what is the impact on this issue?
Brainstorm points around 'SÍNDROME DE DOWN' from the perspective of products and services.
- Is there something that needs to be fixed in a product or service?
- Is there an opportunity for a change or a new product or service?
- How does this issue indirectly affect products and services?
Erro na divisão mitótica.
Idade avançada da mãe.
Determina-se por ser uma condição genética com cromossomo 21 extra as células corporais, denominada de trissomia 21. Ocorre erro na divisão celular, adicionando um terceiro cromossomo de par 21 as células, determinando formação incorreta de ovulo ou espermatozoide.
Brainstorm points around 'SÍNDROME DE DOWN' from the perspective of planning and actions.
- What actions and plans have led to this situation?
- Is there a problem with actions and planning?
- How should actions and planning be changed?