Categorie: Tutti - gender - constructivism - resiliency

da Lauren Kanooth mancano 5 anni


Develop and Cognition

The text discusses several educational and psychological concepts important for understanding human development and learning processes. It begins with resiliency, highlighting the ability to recover and thrive despite challenges, likening it to an injured football player deciding whether to continue playing or not.

Develop and Cognition

Develop and Cognition


This shows the level of understanding that the students have on specific subjects and how advanced they are with using this information, which is shown in the levels.
We also think of this as finding creative ways to teach and use information in the classroom
This is a way to classify learning and or objectives
The levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy are: create, evaluate, analyze, apply, understand, remember


We all agree that by mixing the boys and girls in a class, they are more well rounded in their learning
Sometimes you have to cater your lessons to different genders
They have their own strengths and weaknesses
Boys and girls learn differently


Universal principles
Social contract
Authority and social order
Conformity and interpersonal accord
obedience and punishment
Heinz Dilemma
Hypothetical senario
Stages of moral development


Thought of as a balloon because our brain takes things in like a balloon and when we obtain information, our brain expands just like a balloon does.
The brain compensates when there is injury, to adjust itself so it can continue to grow
The concept of neuroplasticity and that is how the brain reorganizes itself when it sees new things or content.
When people take tests, after the test they need to continue to think about it and study it for it to become long-term
It takes a lot of rehearsal to remember specifics things, especially things that are learned
The memory process


We think this one is really important for us as future teachers because we need to realize that all of our students need each of these levels in their lives and if they are not being provided with these things, then we can try to cater to their needs
The levels for this are: self-actualization, esteem, love and belonging, safety needs, and physiological needs


We compared this to when a football player gets injured during the game and he decided whether or not he wants to get back up and continue playing in the game (which would be showing resilience) or if he is going to take a seat.
Whether or not the person can bounce back and become better when something happens that may affect them
Being able to come back from a hard time
The normal stress response, the tolerable stress response, and the toxic stress response


Being intelligent goes beyond being “book smart” and this list of intelligences shows how everyone is smart in their own ways
Multiple Intelligences
Realizing which intelligences are your strengths and weaknesses increases your overall intelligence and shows you ways you could grow


- Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years): they are very curious and their world revolves around movement - Properational (2-7 years): starting to use their imagination, take things very literally - Concrete operational (7-11 years): they relate concepts to situations, they start to think about events that are happening in their lives - Formal operations (11+): advanced logic and reasoning, are more aware of moral, ethical, social, and political issues.
Stages of mental development
He focused on understanding how children learn


Some of us are not naturally constructivists
Can take up more class time
Lessons are more thought out and student focused
Meaning: How people construct knowledge - general focus of this class
Tends to be more engaging and interests the students more in what they’re learning about
Contrasting method: Traditionalism