Ben's Learner Profile (Insert Picture)
Ben Bashall
Hello my name is donkee
How I Will Advocate For Myself
What will you do to take charge of your own learning?
- I will speak up when confused about questions
- study to the best of my ability
- focus in class without distractions
- complete work on time and be ahead of my work
How You Can Help Me
State what you need to help you learn.
- I think technology is one of, if not the most important aspect of learning nowadays. It is used in every class and makes class a hundred times easier than it would be without it.
- using your phone should only be for school related reasons unless you are on a break or finished work
During Tests:
- I enjoy having a test that does not require memory work but knowledge work. I like when you have access to something that will lead you to the answer if you are aware of the question going on.
In Class:
How will these actions help me to pay attention and keep me interested?
- These will help me stay interested because I will always have something to do throughout the day.
- When I stay interested, I stay focused so always being interested is something I always try to achieve
What are some actions of others that help me learn?
- It helps me learn when classmates ask questions and are quiet when needed to. I am pretty talkative but while working I need a near silent environment
What are some actions that I can do to help me learn?
- Some actions that you can use to help me could be by using visual tools like videos and the chalkboard so I would be able to visually be able to picture whatever is shown.
What are some tools to help me to pay attention and keep me interested?
- Again my phone interests me and keeps me interested throughout a class since I will not become bored and will still have drive to complete my work.
- Learning things that are fun and interesting can help me stay focused since I want to learn new things that I could use as conversation starters.
What are some tools that I can use to help me learn?
- My phone is a great tool to use as It has many possibilities. such as searching things on the internet or using it as a calculator or other learning tool
What are the most important things that you want all teachers to do for you so that you will feel loved, inspired, and successful?
- All I could ask from a teacher would just be to listen. In the past it has been hard because my teacher would not listen to my problems in their course and I could not get the mark I feel like I deserved
My Stretches (Things that I need help with or need more practice at, or I want to get better at this year.)
What do I need help with?
- I don't feel I need help with much besides maybe social skills. My social skills aren't bad, I just don't use them very often
What will I need support for?
- I may need support on learning in a simplified way.
- I may need support on studying and taking notes in class.
What effects me at school?
- The environment around school effects me cause there are different environments. there are some where I know people and certain ones where I don't which effects my social skills.
What effects my learning that is out of my control?
- My phone definitely has a great effect on how I learn and my focus during class. It is hard for me to stay focused with my phone around me
What are things that are hard, but I am getting better at?
- School is very hard to stay focused at for 6 hours a day at such a young age. I feel like I should have more freedom but I am working on being more focused.
My Strengths (Things that I feel good about, or that make me special, or that can help my community.)
What gift/talent/skill do I possess?
- A talent that I posses is athleticism. I am very gifted with the ability to play sports and I am pretty good at most sports without even trying. I've always had determination to work hard in sports and they have always been the most enjoyable part of my life.
- I am proud of my athleticism shown in hockey, baseball, basketball and soccer.
- I am proud of my friends and how I chose them
- I am proud of my ability to work hard and persist
What am I proud of?
- I am proud of how far my marks have grown since the beginning of Covid
- I am proud of my work style and how I can be independent
- I am proud of my ability to learn new things
What are some things that I can help others with or teach to others?
- I can teach others how to be focused in class
- I can teach others to be able to take notes
- I can teach others to have a better study plan
What are things I can do on my own?
- l work very well on my own doing assignments as I don't have any distractions
- I can complete work without having to ask the teacher about anything
- I can adapt to different learning strategies by myself
What are some things that I am really good at?
- I am really good at focusing when necessary
- I can work well with people and can also be independent
- I am really good at finishing work to my best ability and working hard
My Exective Functions
Executive Functions that will help my Learning Skills:
What EFs do I need to focus on? What is a strategy to improve them? (EF Survey)
- The tasks that I need to improve in would be: Sustained attention, Task Initiation, Working Memory and Metacognition
What EFs do I excel in? (EF Survey)
- The EF's that I excel in are : Emotional Control, Time Management and Goal Directed Persistence
My Self-Regulation
What do I need to restore energy and reduce tension? (Part 5)
- I need to have time to myself to recharge and regroup before having interaction with people.
- Sometimes I need to get more rest and sleep to reduce tension on myself
How will I help move myself from survival to learning mode?
- I can help myself move from survival to learning mode by calming myself down and thinking of what I can do to get in a state of blue brain
Things that help me stay calm or calm down: (Part 4)
- Extra curricular activities always seem to calm me down. when I feel down, I always try to go out and be active playing sports.
- Laying down after a long day helps calm me down. just sitting there and not thinking about anything helps
I get upset or frustrated when: (Part 4)
- I get upset when I am lied to or someone is dishonest to me
- I get frustrated when I am called upon with not knowing the answer
What are my major stressors? How do I lighten the load? (Part 3)
- I get really stressed when I think of how others see me and what they think about me. I don't really care about it when I think about it but when I am in a situation where I could be Judged
My Goals
What goals do I have for the future?
- I have goals to be a professional hockey player or something related in the sporting industry.
- I have goals to be a worker in something outdoors, such as an environmental consultant
What do I want to get better at this year at home or in life?
- I want to improve my skill in hockey and other outdoor activities in my life.
- I would like to get better at completing all work on time and making sure not to procrastinate.
- I want to improve my consistency in hanging out with my friends and family
What do I want to get better at this year at school?
- I want to improve my marks in math as well as my understanding in it
- I want to get better at getting work handed in at a reasonable time and not procrastinating
Main topic