da JS - 09WS 965061 Jean Augustine SS mancano 4 anni
Jaskirat Sokhi
Schools play a crucial role in shaping students' dietary habits, often promoting healthy eating. In some countries, specific regulations, like Italy's ban on serving fried foods in schools, encourage healthier choices among children.
Friends might influence your decisions very easily.
You might want to follow your friends decisions
because you might think they are making the right
decisions and you are making the wrong ones for not
listening to them.
Lets take a scenario that you, and your friends are at
a restaurant, and you are done eating food, and you
are full. The waiter comes over, and asks do you want
dessert. Everybody at the table except you says yes.
Then you change your mind, and instantly say yes.
In this scenario you changed your mind very easily. All
your friends were buying desserts so you decided to buy
dessert as well.
Personal Influence
People have a very big impact on themselves.
We are the ones who affect ourselves the most.
You can influence yourself by. Personal influence
can be caused by simple things such as color,
sound, smell, and taste. You might be wanting to
do the right thing by trying something healthy,
but you might want the food that tastes great, or
smells amazing. You might also come from different
cultures which might affect your eating habits.
For example Japanese foods tend to do have a lot of
rice in them. Even though Japanese food has a lot of
meat in their daily foods, most of the meat is seafood.
Which is said to be better for your health. This is a very
different diet than what other people usually have.
Influence by School
In most cases school has a positive influence
on eating. The school usually tells you to eat
healthy. The influence of schools can change
when you get to different countries. Schools
around the world start to have different eating
habits. Italy for example says that it is against
the law to serve fried foods such as potato chips,
french fries, and fried chicken in schools. This in
my opinion is a good law. This prohibits children
from eating fried foods that are bad for you, and
allows you to eat organic food which is good for
you. This can also have a great influence on
children since they might consider more healthy
options when eating then other unhealthy options.
Influence of Media on Food
Media has a really big influence on what you eat.
Media can be a double edged sword when it comes
to food. It can tell you to eat healthily or go for the
greasy, and more tasty but more non healthy food.
Food shows in particular affect our eating habits
greatly. We usually recreate dishes we see on food
shows. Let's take a cooking show like Chopped. In
its streaming history most of the foods in showed in
the show are meat. That has a huge influence over us.
Cooking shows in different countries might have a
different influence over the population. A show like
Masterchef which streams in hundreds of countries
might have a different influence in each one of them.
In overall media has a huge influence on our eating.
It can either have a positive effect on a negative.