Categorie: Tutti - systems - roman

da Tyra Ethelbah mancano 2 mesi


Numeration Systems

Various numeration systems throughout history have shown unique and diverse methods of representing numbers. The ancient Egyptian system utilized symbols representing powers of ten, while the Romans used a combination of letters with specific values, including a bar for multiplication by 1,000.

Numeration Systems

Numeration Systems

Different base systems Base 2 uses numbers 1 & 0
Base 5 uses numbers 0-4 This video will show you how to better understand how to use the base 5 system


This is the number system that we all know and use today.
Place value is based on powers of 10
Uses ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


If there is a bar on top of a symbol, then you multiply it by 1,000
Example: LXV= 65
7 symbols


Example: three lines with four dots on top = 19
3 symbols
Adjusted 20 base
Introduced a symbol for sero


2 symbols
Base 60
Used place value


Example: one astonished man, two heel bones, and four staffs = 1,000,024
7 symbols
Powers of ten