Assessing the Topic: the connections of all biotic and abiotic things in an ecosystem
The interconnectedness of biotic and abiotic elements within an ecosystem is explored through various assessment methods. These methods include summative assessments such as open-ended projects and teacher-created tests, and formative assessments that can be digital or kinesthetic.
Assessing the Topic: the connections of all biotic and abiotic things in an ecosystem
Formative Assessments
many can be done digitally using GAFE
Reflection: Written
3-2-1 with prompts
Strategic oral questioning with higher-order questions
to determine the depth and extent of understanding
Digital using GAFE
Whole class
Short timed questions; 1, 2, or 3 minute
responses to a prompt
Digital, using Google forms
"Tickets" students write down main ideas
or what they are learning and their current
understanding in more detail
Exit: at the end of class
Admit: at the beginning of class
Digital, using Google forms (or equivalent)
use of observable pair/small group activities
jigsaw goups
low-stakes Quizzes
Misconception checks
Arts integrated expressions of understanding
Drawing and Annotated sketches can be used in place of writing and/or oral responsed to many of the teacher prompt techniques
Kinesthetic check-ins. like "Four Corners", "human graphing". Get kids up and moving to certain areas based on a response to prompts relating to understanding
Overall analysis of student work.
Portfolio style to be used: for, as,
and of learning.