The text delves into various aspects of learning and education, emphasizing the importance of understanding how different factors contribute to effective teaching and learning processes.
help understand meditation (very invisible...) her cognitive development may not be there yet (self and others thoughts
mindfulness meditation always includes awareness
it can be meditation even if not humming or legs crossed
involves not speaking, you can stand, you can walk, you can think, but you aren't controlling the thoughts
Meditation, situational, not trait mindfulness
Erin Chatterton
june 21
failure to store havent registered it, faikure to retrieve,
simplified memory system: working memoey vs sensiry register, va long term.
June 18
June 6
scheme - working part of a schema. getting stuck in one part of a scheme
schema- our own mental model of memories on a topic.
May 30
I know a lot about plants
Getting celeste all together
May 23
Atribution Theory: external or internal. do we see it as stable or unstable. it was unstable never happen again. or this is cause im clumsy it always happens. is it controllable or uncontrollable.
May 16
pre-assessment (find out how they perceive their world)
Piaget...... oh man
personal theory- misconceptions can happen to explain
depending on age of child (we want to make sure that they won't be fooled by their growing up.
maybe it's simplifying
triggers will mylenate misconceptions
make sure what you do and what you say is the same to avoid misconceptions
this can be from emphasizing too much on a fact (blood is blue)
Distortion of memory- more proto type, more examples to correct their own distorted knowledge because of their own experience
May 11
positive instance/negative instance
writing/ink pen
oh man, public schools highlight academic skills, but in reality, adhd have a bigger visual field and taking in more
adhd? bygger visual field.... academic public school might hurt the overall ability of person in the long range.. not every skill is academic
multi-tasking doesn't really work. just switching back and forth
May 7
prototype: needs obvious characteristics, needs to be common---> female. dairy cow
practice makes PERMAMENT (not perfect)
positive transfeer: relating higher lvls of math to a special needs and flowers (avoid negative transfer, makes harder to remember). baseball vs tennis. a baseball player hits the tennis ball, chemistry Kaleb getting questions of a chemical nature in biology, gets em wrong
be careful to over understand (make it automatic and not think about it) makes it harder to teach the basics
subconscious and body mapping. (airplane enemy, millisecond to shoot down, quarterback: feeling someone was open)
April 30
emotional learning not mastery, EFY remember emotion
assess knowledge is testing, not to debilitate
lifelong not pass class
frequent tests to interrupt forget
higher lvl thinking (creativity instead of facts)
reflect on teaching, bring current day, to grow
illusion of knowing (not actually understand)
reading in accent! Or even use this during mass practice
study for differences
inter-leave practice. small here and there
set manageable goals (avoid debilitating anxiety)
mass learning (easy). no use spaced practice (hard)
june 20
oh my goodness, the mind is the master over my body.
June 8
control language
Informational laguage
June 4
why aren’t we learning about how to control calculators instead of how to do calculations?
May 25
psycho social development- good eye contact? facing? distance of talking? Mom near or not (Ericsson)
cognitive- what is fork, knowledge based (Piaget)
Psychomotor- motor skils, strength, balance, flexibility (kolberg?)