by Claudia Zabala 5 years ago
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Ancient Rome
Learn more about how a small village on the banks of Tiber River became the core of one of the most powerful ancient civilizations.
Games in Ancient Rome
Attending various spectacles and games were Romans' way of getting rid of stress. Moreover, emperors gave plebeians free access to some of the spectacles in order to avoid or diminish the risk of riot. Type in several types of entertainment popular in Ancient Greece.
Arts in Ancient Rome
flourished during the 1000 years in which this great civilization ruled Europe. Type in the important contributors in Arts, whether they are poets, painters, sculptors, etc.
Por ser escasos los alimento desayunaban y a veces solo se sostenían con el almuerzo, consumían si tenían leche y carnes
Poor Romans' food
Poor people lived in such small apartments that they often didn't have a kitchen, so they ate at bistros, at the market, or in small restaurants.
Type in various types of food that this Roman class ate.
Tenían variedad de comida y la base era el trigo , por lo general tenían 4 comidas e incluían legumbres y verduras
Rich Romans' food
The rich Roman citizens had luxurious dinners, but they did it in a very different way we do it today. They didn't eat at the table, sitting on chairs, but rather in their 'triclinium' (dining room), sitting on couches. Type in various popular foods for this Roman class.
Los hijos siempre estaban a cargo de uj tutor, eran mayores de edad en la adolescencia y sólo podían ejercer sus derechos hasta la muerte del padre
Children in Ancient Rome
fell under their father's power, also known as 'patria potestas'. Type in several facts about the things children were exposed to when it came to their fathers' need of descendants; their age of becoming (when they became adults); education and going to school; etc.
Era la encatfgada de las labores del hogar pero no tenía derechos , durante toda su vida tenía un tutor a excepción de las que tenían muchos hijos podría tener derechos civiles
The wife in the ancient Roman family
was supposed to be obedient and modest. Although women in Ancient Rome had more rights than the ones in other ancient civilizations, they still had to obey different rules. Type in the rights and rules by which the women in Ancient Rome lived by.
Ciudadano con todos los derechos si era Patricio o Plebeyo
Tenía la teoría de toda la familia
Most important figure in the family
Also known as 'paterfamilias', this was the father in the family. He had complete control over the family, so type in several of his rights.
Roman baths
were part of Romans' day-to-day life, as a form of stress-relief and a way of socializing.
read books in attached library
use steam room
have slaves wipe sweat with special instrument called "strigil"
use exercise area
use a hot bath called "caldarium"
use a warm bath called "tepidarium"
use a cold bath called "frigidarium"
A day at the Roman Baths complex
Bathing here was not an easy job. There were several types of baths; different areas for different purposes; an order in which the people bathed; etc. Briefly describe the most important elements of the bathing procedure.
Las termas de Caracalla, o termas Antoninas, fueron unos baños públicos de la Roma imperial.
Termas de BArth en Somerset -Reini Unido
Famous Roman baths
Type in several examples of Roman baths. Where were they located?
What is the story
behind the foundation of Rome? This legend is probably among the most famous ones in history. Think of the main protagonists and write a brief summary.
Roman Society
has changed during this civilization's 1000-year history. Nevertheless, the underlying classes essentially remained the same: Patricians; Equestrians; Plebeians; and Slaves.
Roman soldiers
were the ones that conquered vast territories, brought goods and slaves. Rome's wealth highly depended on them. Their lives were tough because most of them spent 25 years serving in the army. Type in several traits of this Roman class.
Roman slaves
built the Roman Empire with their bare hands: mining for gold; farming; teaching; doing paperwork; cooking extravagant meals for the emperors and other officials; cleaning their masters' houses; etc. Type in several characteristics of this class.
The Plebeians
Also known as 'Rome's working class', these citizens of Rome had little individual power compared to the Patricians. The term 'plebeian' referred to all free Roman citizens who weren't patricians, senators or equestrians. Farmers, builders, craftsmen, and bakers who worked hard to pay their taxes and to support their families. Type in several characteristics of this class of the Roman society.
The Patricians
Also known as aristocratic Romans, these Roman citizens had many privileges and spent their lives in wealth. Their influence was extremely strong in the time of the Republic, and started to weaken during the time of the Empire. Type in several characteristics of this class of the Roman society.
What major event
took place in 476 A.D.? Type in the answer.
Roman Empire splits into two parts
In what year did this event take place? Type in the answer.
What major event
took place in 359 A.D.? Type in the answer.
End of 50-year civil war
In what year did Diocletian proclaim himself the human manifestation of Jupiter, reunites the empire and ends the civil war? Type in the answer.
What major event
took place in 117 A.D.? Type in the answer.
Second Roman emperor
Around what year did Trajan become the second Roman emperor? Type in the answer.
What major event
took place in 64 A.D.? Type in the answer.
First Roman emperor
Around what year did Augustus became the first Roman emperor? Type in the answer.
What major event
took place in 43 B.C., in the year after Caesar's assassination? Type in the answer.
Fall of Roman Republic and rise of Roman Epire
In what year did Caesar declare himself 'imperator', therefore becoming the sole dictator of Rome? This is the year in which the Republic government came to end. Type in the answer.
What major event
took place in 60 B.C.? Type in the answer.
Third punic war
In what year did this war take place, leaving Carthage completely destroyed? Type in the answer.
What major event
took place during 218 - 201 B.C.? Type in the answer.
Invasion of Rome
In what year was Rome invaded by Hannibal and the Gauls from northern Italy? Type in the answer.
What major event
took place in 264 B.C.? Type in the answer.
Attack on Rome
In what year did the Gauls attack Rome? Type in the answer.
What major event
took place in 509 B.C.? Type in the answer.
Foundation of Rome
Around what year was Rome founded? Type in the answer.