The training program spans several days, each focusing on different tools and platforms to enhance the instructional capabilities of class members. Initially, participants engage with PowerPoint presentations and embedded YouTube videos to grasp basic concepts.
Search for a SMART Notebook files, which is the similar in content, to yours.
Search for your uploaded SMART Notebook file and others' in this class, by searching classmates' names. Open their presentations using SMART Notebook Express(modality).
Upload your SMART Notebook file. Both SMART Notebook and SMART Exchange will be acting as your modalities. Apply proper settings, which should include proper searcj words.
Logon to the SMART Exchange website (modality). Create and account.
Open a SMART Notbook file, and save it recalling the file path. SMART Notebook will act as the modality.
Day 4
SMART Sync Tutorial
Complete course survey that has been uploaded to our classes, Coursesite webpage (modality).
Respond to eachother's posts, answering any questions that classmates may have.
Open the SMART Sync website (modality). Be sure that you are viewing the "Overview" tab. For each section under the tab, answer the questions outline on the instructions sheet, by posting on the discussions board, in CourseSites(modality)
Open CourseSites webpage and open the Instructions sheet for today's tutorial and discussion. Modalities: CourseSites & Microsoft Word PDF
Day 2
SMART Notebook Tutorial
Once each section of the PowerPoint has been completed, watch the embedded videos. This will use as the new modality.
Open the tutorial, a PowerPoint (modality), that includes basic instructions for use and practicality. Cover each section of the PowerPoint, using the slideshow as a reference.
Open the SMART Notebook. SMART Notebook will be used as modality, if it is owned by the classmember. If not, then the class member should follow along with the prepared PowerPoint.
Mini_Lesson_Modalities/Materials Flowchart S
Day 1
SMART Board Tutorial
Questions and Answer, via the discussion board, on our classroom coursesites webpage. will act as the modality here.
Present the tutorial, via PowerPoint. Using the PowerPoint as a reference, describe the different aspects of a SMART Board. This should include the syluses, eraser, buttons, functionality, and using the SMART Board for PowerPoint modality.
After all of the aspects of the SMART Board are covered, watch the videos that are embedded into the PowerPoint, using as yet another modality.
Course Introduction. Go over objectives, content, and formalities. Introduce the coursesites modality.