Kategorier: Alle - ecosystems - packaging - pollution - businesses

av Lara Fidawi 3 dager siden


Unnecessary Plastic Packaging Rant.

The overuse of plastic packaging by many businesses is causing significant environmental harm. Excessive packaging, particularly by large companies, leads to an increase in plastic waste that often ends up in landfills or natural environments, contributing to pollution and harming wildlife.

Unnecessary Plastic Packaging Rant.

Unnecessary Plastic Packaging Rant.


If these businesses stopped using all that extra packaging it would make a big diffrence. First, less plastic would end up in landfills and the ocean, fewer animals would be harmed, ecosystems would be less polluted, air quality would improve because there would be less plastic being burned, and businesses would save money. Canada packages thier milk in bags, litterly in a plastic bag theres three plasic bags with milk in them. can you imagine how much gets wasted. My local grocery store sells thier milk in a glass bottle, when you are done you can return the empty bottle and they will disinfect it and reuse it.

Piles of Landfills/Landfills 3

Since all these brands decide to pull like 1million layers of packaging in there orders, its creating a mess we cant ignore. And since we have a poor waste managment in the world, All that plastic ends up in landfills and natural enviroments. Like all that plastic gets burned, so we can add more. Isnt one piece of pakaging enough. Cant people think about the animals and if these brands are that selfish cant they think about what will happen to them if they keep this up.

Microplastics out of control ! 4

All this extra plastic packaging is making the microplastic problem worse! The UN is working on a global agreement to stop plastic pollutions. The thing is, when we throw out these plastics it polutes land, water, soil, and air whih breaks down and releases harmful chemicals into the environment and can also lead to exposure through contamination of food with micro- and nano-plastic particles and chemicals through packaging. This not only harms the marine life, but it also harms us! EXAMPLES

Persistence in the environment: 2

Plastic takes years to break down, Unlike natural materials like food or wood, plastic doesn’t decompose on its own so all of it always sticks around and piles up in landfills.

Introduction 1

Is it just me, or is it just so annoying how much brands and buisnesses use unndcessary packaging. Like dear amazon, you dont need to put a small item in a olarge carbored box with so much plastic packaging. There are somany types of materials businesses are using, its so useless. Its so annoying and unnecessary