por Amanda Mills 9 anos atrás
Mais informações
EXAMPLE: being a friend to black people does not make a white woman a member of the black community or give her a right to attempt to lead/dominate the conversation.
ISIS do not represent the entire religion of Islam. They may want to, even claim to, but they do not.
Al Sharpton does not speak for every person of color.
Temple Grandin does not speak for all autistics
BUT Members of closely knit groups sometimes feel compelled or are pressured to pick sides in personal disagreements. Its a pretty shitty spot to be put in.
Example: continuous interpersonal drama on group facebook pages
Personal Disagreements, Arguments, or other types of drama does not exclude you from the Community
Disagreement over issues may result in exclusion from a group but does not exclude persons from the community
Every Religion Ever
Martin Luther King vs. Black Panthers