Categorias: Todos - trigonometry - integrals - calculus

por Ashot Hayrapetyan 12 anos atrás


Calculus II

This document covers several advanced topics in calculus and related mathematical fields. It explains the properties and differentiation rules for exponential functions, including formulas for manipulating and integrating expressions involving these functions.

Calculus II

Ashot H. Calculus II

Chapter 19.2

A first order linear differential equation is an equation of the form y' + P(x)y= Q(x), where P and Q are continuous functions.
The first order linear differential equation y' + P(x)y=Q(x) may be transformed into a separable differential equation by multiplying both sides by the integrating factor e^(integral)P(x)dx.

Chapter 13.5

Let F be a fixed point and l a fixed line in a plane. The set of all points P in the plane, such that the ratio d(P,F)/d(P,Q) is a positive constant e with d(P,Q) the distance from P to l, is a conic section. The conic is a parabola if e=1, an ellipse if 01.
A polar equation that has one of the four forms r = de/(1+-ecos(theta), r = de/(1+-esin(theta) is a conic section. Th conic is a parabola if e=1, an ellipse if 01.

Chapter 13.4

If f is continuous and f(theta) > 0 on [(alpha),(beta)], where 0
ds= sqrt(r^2+(dr/d(theta))^2) d(theta)

About the polar axis: S= (integral) 2(pi)yds from (alpha - beta)= (integral) 2(pi)rsin(theta) ds from (alpha-beta) About the line (theta)=pi/2: S = (integral) 2(pi)xdsfrom (alpha - beta)= (integral) 2(pi)rcos(theta) ds from (alpha-beta)

Chapter 13.3

The rectangular coordinates (x,y) and polar coordinates (r,0) of a point P are related as follows: i) x = rcos(theta), y = rsin(theta) ii) r^2=x^2+y^2, tan(theta)=y/x if x !=0
i) The graph of r = f(theta) is symmetric with respect to the polar axis if substitutoin of - (theta) for (theta) leads to an equivalent equation. ii) The graph of r = f(theta) is symmetric with respect to the vertical line (theta)= pi/2 if substitution of either (a) pi - theta for theta or (b) -r for r and - theta for theta leads to an equivalent equation. iii) The graph of r = f(theta) is symmetric with respect to the pole if substitution of either (a) -r for r or (b) pi + theta for theta leads to an equivalent equation.

The slope m of the tangent line to the graph of r = f(theta) at the point P(r,theta) is m = ((dr/d(theta))sin(theta) + rcos(theta))/((dr/d(theta))cos(theta) - rsin(theta)

Chapter 13.2

If a smooth curve C is given parametrically by x = f(t), y = g(t), then the slope dy/dx of the tangent line to C at P(x,y) is dy/dx=(dy/dt)/(dx/dt). provided dx/dt !=0.
If a smooth curve C is given parametrically by x = f(t), y = g(t); a

dx = sqrt(dx^2+dy^2)= sqrt((dx/dt)^2+(dy/dt)^2) dt

Let a smooth curve C be given by x = f(t), y = g(t); a < t < b, and suppose C does not intersect itself, except possibly at the piont corresponding to t=a and t=b. If g(t) >0 throughout [a,b], then the area S of the surface of revolution obtained by revolving C about the x-axis is S= (integral) 2(pi)ydx from (t=a - t=b) = (integral) 2(pi)g(t)(sqrt((dx/dt)^2+(dy/dt)^2)) dt from (a-b)

Chapter 13.1

A plane curve is a set C of ordered pairs (f(t), g(t)), where f and g are continous functions on an interval I.
Let C be the curve consisting of all ordered pairs (f(t),g(t)). where f and g are continuous on an interval I. The equations x=f(t), y=g(t) for t in I, are parametric equations for C with parameter t.

Chapter 12.4

If the x and y axes are rotated about the origin O, through an acute angle (phi), then the coordinates (x,y) and (x',y') of a point P in the xy and x'y' planes are related as follows i) x=x'cos(phi)-y'sin(phi), y=x'sin(phi)+y'cos(phi) ii) x'=xcos(phi)+ysin(phi), y'=-xsin(phi)+ycos(phi)
To eliminate the xy term from the equation Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0, where B!=0, choose an angle (phi) such that cos(2(phi))= (A-C)/B with 0<(2phi)<180.. and use the rotation of axes formulas.

The graph of the equation Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0 is either a conic or a degenerate conic. If the graph is a conic, then it is i) a parabola if B^2-4AC=0 ii) an ellipse if B^2-4AC<0 iii) a hyperbola if B^2-4AC>0

Chapter 12.3

The graph of the equation (x^2)/(a^2) - (y^2)/(b^2) = 1 is a hyperbola with vertices (+- a,0). The foci are (+-c,0), where c^2=a^2 + b^2.
The graph of the equation (y^2)/(a^2) - (x^2)/(b^2) = 1 is a hyperbola with vertices (0,+- a). The foci are (0,+-c), where c^2=a^2 + b^2.

Chapter 12.2

The graph of the equation (x^2)/(a^2) + (y^2)/(b^2) = 1 for a^2>b^2 is an ellipse with vertices (+- a,0). The endopoints of the minor axis are (0,+-b). The foci are (+-c,0), where c^2=a^2-b^2.
The graph of the equation (x^2)/(b^2) + (y^2)/(a^2) = 1 for a^2>b^2 is an ellipse with vertices (0,+- a). The endopoints of the minor axis are (+-b,0). The foci are (0,+-c), where c^2=a^2-b^2.

The eccentricity e of an ellipse is e=c/a=(sqrt(a^2-b^2))/a

Chapter 12.1

If (x,y) are the coordinates of a point P in an xy plance if (x',y') are the coordinates of P in an x'y' plane with origin at the point (h,k) of the xy plane, then i) x = x' + h y = y'+k ii) x'= x-h y' = y-k

Chapter 11.10

If |x|<1, then for every real number k, (1+x)^k=1+kx+k(k-1)x^2/2! +.....+( k(k-1)...(k-n+1)(x^n) )/n! +...

Chapter 11.9

Let f have n+1 derivatives throughout an interval containing c. If x is any number in the interval and x=! c, then the error in the approximating f(x) by the nth-degree Taylor polynomial of f at c, P_n(x)=f(c)+f'(c)(x-c)+f''(c)(x-c)^2/2!+.....+f^(n)(c)(x-c)^n/n!, is |R_n(x)|, where R_n(x) = f^(n+1)(z)(x-c)^n+1/(n+1)! and z is the number between c and x given by (11.45).

Chapter 11.8

If a function has a power series representation f(x) = (sigma) n=0 to infnity (a_n)x^n with a radius of convergence r > 0, then f^(k)(0) exists for every positive integer k and a_n=f(n)(0)/n!. Thus, f(x)=f(0)+f'(0)x + f''(0)x^2/2!+....+f^(n)(0)x^n/n!+.......
If a function f has a power series representation f(x)=(sigma) n=0 to infninty a_n (x-c)^n with radius of convergence r > 0, then f^(k)(c) exists for every positive integer k and a_n=f(n)(c)/n!. Thus, f(x)=f(c)+f'(c)(x-c) + f''(0)(x-c)^2/2!+....+f^(n)(c)(x-c)^n/n!+.......

Let c be a real number and let f be a function that has n derivatives at c: f'(c), f"'(c). The nth-degree Talor polynomial p_x(x) of f at c is P_n(x)=f(c) +f'(c)(x-c)+f''(c)(x-c)^2+...+f^(n)(c)(x-c)^n/(n!).

Let f have n+1 derivatives throughout an interval containing c. If x is any number in the interval that is different from c, then there is a number z between c and x such that f(x) = p_n(x)+R_n(x), where R_n(x)=(f^(n+1)(z))(x-c)^n+1/(n+1)!

Let f have derivatives of all odrderes throughout an interval containing c, and let R_n(x) be the Talor remainder of f at c. If limit R_n(x)=0 as n -> infinty for every x in the interval, then f(x) is represented by the Taylor series for f(x) at c.

If x is any real number. limit |x|^n/n! = 0 as n -> infinity

Chapter 11.7

Suppose a power series (sigma) a_n x^n has a readius of convergence r > 0 and let f be defined by f(x) = (sigma) a_n x^n = a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + a_3x^3 +......+ a_nx^n +.. for every x in the interval of convergence. If -r
If x is any real number, e^x= 1+x+(x^2)/2! + (x^3)/3! + .... + x^n/n!+......

Chapter 11.6

Let x be a variable. A power series in x is a series of the form (sigma) n = 0 to infnity (a_n)x^n = a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + ...... + a_n x^n + ........ where each a_k is a real number.
i) If a power series (sigma) a_n x^n converges for a nonzero number c, then it is absolutely convergent whenver |x| < |c|. ii) If a power series (sigma) a_n x^n diverges for a nonzero number d, then it diverges whenever |x| > |d|.

If (sigma) a_n x^n is a power series, then only one of the following is true: i) the series converges only if x = 0 ii) the series is absolutely convergent for every x. iii) there is a number r > 0 such that the series is absolutely convergent if x is in the open interval (-r,r) and divergent if x < -r or x > r.

Let c be a real number and x a variable. A power series in x-c is a series of the form (sigma) n=0 to infnity a_n(x-c)^n = a_0 + a_1(x-c) + a_2(x-c)^2 + ...... + a_n(x-c)^n + .. where each a _k is a real number.

Chapter 11.5

The alternating series (sigma) (-1)^n-1 a_n = a1-a2+a3-a4 + .........+ (-1)^n-1 a_n + ......... is convergent if the following two conditions are satisfied i) a_k >= a_k+1 > 0 for every k ii) limit a_k = 0 as n -> infnity
Let (sigma) (-1)^n-1 a_n be an alternating series that satisfies conditions (i) and (ii) of the alternating series test. If S is the sum of the series and S_n is a partial sum, then |S-S_n| <= a_n+1; that is, the error involved in approximating S by S_n is less than or equal to a_n+1.

A series (sigma) a_n is absolutely convergent if the series (sigma) |a_n| = |a1| + |a2| + ...... + |a_n| + ....... is convergent.

A series (sigma) a_n is conditionally convergent if (sigma) a_n is convergent and (sigma) |a_n| is divergent.

If a series (sigma) a_n is absolutely convergent, then (sigma) a_n is convergent.

Let (sigma) a_n be a series of nonzero terms, and suppose limit |(a_n+1)/(a_n)| = L as n -> infinity i) If L < 1, the series is absolutely convergent. ii) If L > 1, or limit = infinity the series is divergent. iii) If L = 1, apply a different test; the series may be absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent , or divergent.

Chapter 11.4

Let (sigma) a_n be a positive term series, and suppose lim a_n+1/a_n = L as n -> infinity. i) If L<1, the series is convergent. ii) If L>1 or limit (a_n+1/a_n) = infinity, series is divergent. iii) If L = 1, apply a different test; the series may be convergent or divergent
Let (sigma) a_n be a positive term series and suppose limit (a_n)^1/n = L for n -> infnity. i) If L < 1, series is convergent. ii) If L > 1 or limit (a_n)^1/n = infnity, series is divergent. iii) If L = 1, apply a different test; the series may be convergent or divergent

Chapter 11.3

If (sigma) a_n is a positive term series and if there exits a number M such that S_n = a_1 + a_2 + ... .+ a_n < M for every n, then the series converges and has sum S <= M. if no such M exits, the series diverges.
If (sigma) a_n is a series, let f(n) = a_n and let f be the function obtained by replacing n with x. If f is a positive valued, continuous and decreasing for every real number x>=1, then the series (sigma) a_n i) conveges if (integral) f(x) dx converges from 1 - infinity ii) divergees if (integral) (fx) dx diverges from 1 - infinity

A p series or a hyperharmonic series, is a series of the form (sigma) 1/n^p (n=1 to infinity) = 1 + 1/2^p + 1/3^p + ... + 1/n^p + ..., where p is a positive real number

The p series (sigma) 1/n^p i) converges if p >1 ii) diverges if p<= 1

Let (sigma) a_n and b_n be positive term series. i) if (sigma) b_n converges and ab for every positive number n, then (sigma) a_n diverges.

Let (sigma) a_n and b_n be positive term series. If limit a_n/b_n = c > 0 as n-> infinity, then either both series converge or both diverge.

Chapter 11.2

An infinite series (or simply a series) is an expression of the form a1 + a2 + ..... + a_n or in summation notation, (sigma) a_n . Each number a_k is a term of the series, and a_n is the nth term.
i) The kth partial sum S_k of the series (sigma) a_n is S_k = a1 + a2 + ... + a_k. ii) The sequance of partial sums of the series (sigma) a_n is S_1, S_2, S_3,........S_n,.......

A series (sigma) a_n is convergent if its sequence of partial sums converges that is, if limit S_n = S for some real number S. THe limit S is the sum of the series (sigma) a_n and we write S = a_1 + a_2 +.....+a_n+....... The series (sigma) a_n is divergent if S_n diverges. A divergent series has no sum.

The harmonic series is the divergent series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 +.......+ 1/n +.....

Let a=! 0, The geometric series a + ar+ ar^2 + ..... + ar^n-1 + .... i) converges and has the sum S= a/(1-r) if |r| <1 ii) diverges if |r| >=1.

If a series (sigma) a_n is convergent, then limit a_n = 0.

i) If limit a_n =! 0, then the series (sigma) a_n is divergent. ii) if limit a_n = 0, then further inverstigation is neccessary to determine whether the series (sigma) a _n is convergent or divergent.

If (sigma) a_n and (sigma) b_n are series such that a_j = b_j for every f> k, where k is a positive integer, then both series converge or both series diverge.

For any positive integer k, the series (sigma) a_n = a_1 +a_2 + .... and (sigma) (a_n) = a_k+1 + a_k+2 + ...... either both converge or both diverge.

If (sigma) a_n and b_n are convergent series with sums A and B, respectively, then i) (sigma) (a_n + b_n) converges and has sum A+B ii)(sigma) (ca_n) converges and has sum cA for every real number c iii) (sigma) (a_n-b_n) converges and has sum A - B

If (sigma) a_n is a convergent series and (sigma) b_n is divergent, then (sigma) (a_n + b_n) is divergent.

Chapter 11.1

A sequence is a function f whose domain is the set of positive integers.
A sequnce {a_n) has the limit L, or converges to L, dentoed by either limit (a_n) = L as n-> (infinity) or a_n -> L as n -> (infinity), if for every (epsilon) > 0 there exites a positive number N such that |(a_n)-L| < (epsilon) whenver n>N. If such a number L does not exist, the sequence has no limit, or diverges.

The notation limit (a_n) = (infinity) as n -> (infinity) means that for every positive real number P there exists a number N such that (a_n) > P whenver n > N.

Let {a_fn} be a sequence , let f(n) = (a_n), and suppose that f(x) exists for every real number x >= 1. i) If limit f(x) = L as x -> (infinity), then limit f(n) = L as n -> (infinity) ii) If limit f(x) = (+ or - infinity) as n -> (infinity) , then limit f(n) = (+ or - infinity) as n -> (infinity).

i) limit (r^n) = 0 as n -> (infinity) if |r|<1. ii) limit (r^n) = (infintiy as n -> (infinity) if |r| > 1.

If {a_n},{b_n}, and {c_n} are sequences and a_n <= b_n <= c_n for every n and if limit a_n = L = limit c_n as n -> (infinity) then limit b_n = L as n -> (infinity).

Let {a_n} be a sequence. If limit |a_n| = 0, then limit a_n = 0 as n -> (infinity).

A bounded monotonic sequence has a limit

If a nonempty set S of real numbers has an upper bound, then S has a least upper bound.

Chapter 10.4

i) If f is continuous on [a,b) and discontinuous at b, then (integral) f(x) dx from a - b = limit (integral) f(x) dx from a - t as t -> b^- provided the limits exists. ii) If f is continuous on (a,b] and discontinous at a, then (integral) f(x) dx from a - b = limit (integral) f(x) dx from t - b as t ->a^+ provided the limits exists.
If f has a discontinuity at a number c in the open interval (a,b) but is continuous elsewhere on [a,b], then (integral) f(x) dx from a - b = (integral) f(x) dx from a-c + (integral) f(x) dx from c-b, provided both of the improper integrals on the right converge. If both converge, then the value of the improper integral (integral) f(x) dx from a -b is the sum of the two values.

Chapter 10.3

i) If f is continous on [a, (infinity)), then (integral) f(x) dx from a - (infinity) = limit (integral) f(x) dx from a - t as t-> (infinity) provided the limits exist. ii) If f is continous on (-infinity,a], then (integral) f(x) dx from -infinity to a = limit (integral) f(x) dx from t - a as t -> (-infinity) provided the limits exists.
Let f be continuous for every x. If a is any real number, then (integral) f(x) dx from (-infinity to infinity) = (integral) f(x) dx from -infinity to a + (integral) f(x) dx from a to infinity, provided both of the improper integrals on the right converge.

Chapter 10.1

If f and g are continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b) and if g'(x)!=0 for every x in (a,b), then there is a number w in (a,b) such that ((f(b)-f(a))/(g(b)-g(a)))= (f'(w)/g'(w)) CAUCHY'S FORMULA
Suppose f and g are differentialbe on an open interval (a,b) containing c, except possible at c itself. If f(x)/g(x) has the indeterminate for 0/0 or (infinity/infinity) at x = c and if g'(x)!=0 for x !=c, then limit (f(x)/g(x)) as x->c = limit f'(x)/g'(x) as x->c provided either limit f'(x)/g'(x) as x->c exists or limit f'(x)/g'(x) as x->c = (infinity).

Chapter 9.6

Miscellaneous substituions
If an integrand is a rational expession in sinx and cosx, the following substitusions will produce a rational expression in u : sinx= 2u/(1+u^2) cosx=(1-u^2)/(1+u^2), dx= (2/(1+u^2)) du where u = tan(x/2)

Chapter 9.1

If u = f(x) and v = g(x) and if f' and g' are continuous, then (integral) u dv = uv - (integral) v du.

Chapter 8.4

i) sinh^-1 u = ln(x+(sqrt(x^2+1)) ii) cosh^-1 u = ln(x+(sqrt(x^2-1)) x>=1 iii) tanh^-1 u = (1/2)(ln((1+x)/(1-x))) |x|<1 iv) sech^-1 u = ln((1+(sqrt(1-x^2)))/x), 0
i) d/dx sinh^-1 u = 1/(sqrt u^2+1)) du/dx ii) d/dx cosh^-1 u = 1/(sqrt u^2-1)) du/dx u>1 iii) d/dx tanh^-1 u = 1/(1-u^2)) du/dx |u| < 1 iv) d/dx sech^-1 u = - 1/((u)(sqrt 1-u^2))) du/dx 0 < u < 1

i) (integral) 1/(sqrt a^2+u^2)) du = sinh-1(u/a) + C, a>0 ii) (integral) 1/(sqrt a^2-u^2))du= cosh^-1(u/a + C, 0

Chapter 8.3

The hyperbolic sine function, denoted by sinh, and the hyperbolic cosine function, denoted by cosh, are defined by sinhx=((e^x)-(e^-x))/2 and coshx= ((e^x)+(e^-x))/2 for every real number x.
((coshx)^2) - ((sinhx)^2)=1

i) tanhx = sinhx/coshx = (e^x - e^-x )/ e^x +e^-x ii) cothx = coshx/sinhx = (e^x + e^-x)/ e^x - e^-x iii) sechx= 1/coshx = 2/(e^x + e^-x) iv) cschx = 1/sinhx = 2/(e^x - e^-x)

i) 1-(tanhx)^2 = (sechx)^2 ii) ((cothx)^2)-1 = (cschx)^2

i) d/dx sinhu = coshu du/dx ii) d/dx coshu = sinhu du/dx iii) d/dx tanhu = (sechu^2) du/dx iv) d/dx cothu = - (cschu^2) du/dx v) d/dx sechu = - (sechu)(tanhu) du/dx vi) d/dx cschu = - (cschu)(cothu) du/dx

i) (integral) sinhu du = coshu + C ii) (integral) coshu du = sinhu + C iii) (integral) sechu^2 du = tanhu + C iv) (integral) cschu^2 du = - cothu + C v) (integral) sechutanhu du = - sechu + C vi) (integral) cschucothu du = - cschu + C

Chapter 8.2

i) d/dx (sin^-1u) = (1/(sqrt(1-u^2))) du/dx ii) d/dx (cos^-1u) = -(1/(sqrt(1-u^2))) du/dx iii) d/dx (tan^-1u) = (1/(1+u^2) du/dx iv) d/dx (sec^-1u) = (1/(u(sqrt((u^2)-1)))) du/dx
i) (intagrel) (1/(sqrt((a^2)-u^2))) du = sin^-1(u/a) + C ii) (integral) (1/((a^2)+u^2)) du = (1/a)(tan^-1(u/a) + C iii) (integral) (1/(u(sqrt((u^2)-a^2) du = (1/a)(sec^-1(u/a) +C.

Chapter 8.1

The inverse sin function denoted sin^-1, is defined by y = sin^(-1)x if and only if x = siny for -1<= x <= 1 and -pi/2<= y <= pi/2.
i) sin(sin^-1x) = sin(arcsinx)=x if -1<= x <= 1 ii)sin^(-1)(sinx)= arcsin(sinx) = x if - pi/2 <= x <= pi/2.

The inverse cosine function, denoted cos^-1, is defined by y = cos^-1x if and only if x=cosy for -1 <= x <= 1 and 0 <= y <= pi.

i) cos(cos^-1x)=cos(arccosx)=x if -1 <= x <=1 ii) cos^-1(cosx)=arccos(cosx)=x if 0 <= y <= pi.

The inverse tangent function, or arctangent function, denoted tan^-1, or arctan, is defined by y=tan^-1x = arctanx if and only if x = tany for every x and -pi/2 <= y < = pi/2)

i)tan(tan^-1x)=tan(arctanx)=x for every x ii) tan^-1(tanx)= arctan(tanx)=x if -pi/2 <= x <= pi/2.

The inverse secant function, or arcsecant function, denoted by sec^-1 or arcsec, is defined by y = sec^-1x=arcsecx if and only if x =secy for |x|>= 1 and y in [0, pi/2) or in [pi, 3pi/2)

Chapter 7.6

Let y be a differentiable function of t such that y>0 for every t, and let y (sub 0) be the value of y at t=0. If dy/dt = cy for some constant c, then y = y(sub 0) e^(ct) .

Chapter 7.5

a^x = e^(xlna) for every a>0 and ever real number x
Let a>0 and b>0. If u and v are any real numbers, then 1) a^(u) a^(v) = a^(u+v) 2) a^(u)v = a^(uv) 3) (ab)^u = a^(u) b^(u) 4) (a^(u))/(a^(v)) = a^(u-v) 5) (a/b)^u = (a^(u))/(b^(u)).

1) Dx a^x = (a^x)(lna) 2) Dx a^u = ((a^(u))(lna)) Dx u

1) (integral) of a^x dx = (1/(lna))(a^x) + C 2) (integral) of a^u du = (1/(lna))(a^u) + C

y = log(x) base a if and only if x = a^y

1) Dx log(x) base a = Dx((lnx)/(lna))= (1/(lna))*(1/x) 2) (integral) Dx log|u| base a = Dx ((ln|u|)/(lna))= (1/(lna))*(1/u) Dx u

1) lim(1+h)^(1/h) as h-> 0 = e 2) lim (1 + (1/n))^n as n-> (infinity) = e

Chapter 7.4

If u=g(x)=! 0 and g is differentiable, then (integral) of 1/u du = ln |u| + C.
If u = g(x) and g is differentiable, then (integral) e ^u = e^u +C.

1) (integral) tan(u) du = -ln|cos(u)| +C 2) (integral) cot(u) du = ln|sin(u)| + C 3) (integral) sec(u) du = ln|sec(u) + tan(u)| + C 4) (integral) csc(u) du = ln|csc(u) - cot(u)| + C.

Chapter 7.3

To every real number x there corresponds exactly one positive real number y such that ln y = x.
The natural exponential function, denoted exp, is the inverse of the natural logarithmic function.

The letter e denotes the positive real number such that ln(e) =1.

e = 2.71828

If x is any real number, then e^x = y if and only if ln y = x.

1) ln (e^x) = x for every x. 2) e^(lnx) = x for every x>0.

If p and q are real numbers and r is a rational number, then 1) e^(p) e^(q) = e^(p+q) 2) (e^p)/(e^q) = e^(p-q) 3) e^(p)r = e^pr.

Dx e^x = e^x

If u = g(x) and g is differentiable, then Dx e^u = e^u Dx u.

Chapter 7.2

The natural logarithmic function, denoted by ln, is defined by ln x = (integral) from 1 to x of 1/t dt for every x > 0.
Dx ln x = 1/x

If u = g(x) and g is differentiable, then 1) Dx ln u = 1/u Dx u if g(x) > 0. 2) Dx ln |u| = 1/u Dx u if g(x) =! 0

If p>0 and q>0, then 1) ln (pq) = lnp + lnq 2) ln (p/q) = lnp - lnq 3) ln (p^r) = rlnp for every rational number r.

Chapter 7.1

A function f with domain D and range R is a one-to-one function if whenever a =! b in D, then f(a) =! f(b) in R.
Let f be one-to-one function with domain D and range R. A function g with domain R and range D is the inverse function of f, provided the following condition is true for every x in D every y in R: y=f(x) if and only if x=g(y).

Let f be a one-to-one function with domain D and range R. If g is a function with domain R and range D, then g is the inverse function of f if and only if both of the following conditions are true: 1) g(f(x)) = x for every x in D 2) f(g(y)) =y for every y in R.

domain of f^-1 = range of f ,, range of f^-1 = domain of f

If f is continuous and increasing on [a,b], then f has an inverse function f^-1 that is continuous and increasing on [f(a),f(b)].

If a differentiable function f has an inverse function g=f^-1 and if f'(g(c))=! 0, then g is differentiable at c and g'(c)=1/f'(g(c)).

If g is the inverse function of a differentiable function f and if f'(g(x)) =! 0, then g'(x) = 1/ f'(g(x)).