Categorias: Todos - protagonist - dynamic - courage - conflict

por Cynthia Morales 11 anos atrás



Odysseus and Beowulf are central figures in their respective stories, each embodying the heroic ideal in different ways. Odysseus, known for his intelligence and steadfastness, faces numerous external challenges including gods, goddesses, and monstrous beings, all while maintaining his commitment to return home to Ithaca.


The conflict was always external. Beowulf was a convicted man through all his exploits and reigned as King of the Geats a fair and wise King.

Beowulf was dynamic as he was always a man of great courage. Even with faced with certain death he wished for nothing more than to kill the evil dragon alone.

Beowulf was the protagonist. He also was the central character and the story tells the tale of his battle with three monsters, Grendel, Grendel's mother and the dragon.

Brave, Honorable, Fearless, Witty

Beowulf was a man of great stature as the guards of the Palace of Denmark and King Hrothgar himself note. As a man Beowulf showed no fear as he intends to meet with the mighty grendel and fight in hand to hand combat ultimately ripping off the beast arm.

Main topic

The conflict is driven by external forces as Odysseus is pitted up against god's, godesses, monsters and the disrespectful suitors.


Odysseus was largely dynamic. He remained steadfast in his desire to return to his wife despite admiting that Calypso was more beautiful and that he could live forever with her. Also the nymph Circe provided him a life of luxury that he knew departing would lead to many dreadful events taking place yet he remained resolved in doing so.

Odysseus was the protagonist. He was the central character as he traveled far and with much tribulation in order to return to his home of Ithica to reunite with his family.

Kindhearted, heroic, intelligent, faithful

Odysseus was very handsome and while he was grungy when he reached the Phaeacian city, after a bath the women looked at him with desire and Athena herself made Odysseus' head and shoulders shimmer with grace. In the story Odysseus's is a hero a man of local legend yet he is humble, slow to anger and kind to those who treat him kindly.
