por Toni Cotignola 9 anos atrás
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Definition: practicing in small bursts over a long amount of time
Mnemonic: Tribute- you tribute a certain amount of time for a certain subject every day
Personal Example: studying psych every night for a week for 20 minutes
Trial, not having notes to go off of and having to know the situation
Definition: reinforced after an unpredictable number of behaviors, least effective way of getting someone to do something
Mnemonic: refishing- instead of reinforce
Personal Example: fishing, keep going all day and never get a fish, but may randomly get a fish
Definition: taking away something people don't like
Mnemonic: No give- don't give something when they do something right
Personal Example: behaving in class and not getting homework that night
video example: Pigeons playing ping pong
personal example: Ant, train an ant to pick up the crumbs in your room.
mn: operate conditions
Definition: reinforcing a good behavior to a child by giving them a reward
Mnemonic: nom, giving a child food/candy when they do something positive
Pavlov’s Dogs
Asking for something small, then asking for something more after. Often times this will result in a person being more willing to do both favors.
ex. Hey mom can I go to the mall?
Can I Have 10 bucks to get food there?
Definition: convinced you cannot do something so you give up
Mnemonic: less- you think less of yourself because you cannot figure something out
Personal Example: I think I'm bad at math, so when I receive a test I don't try because I believe I'll fail anyway.
Definition: categories we put people in
Mnemonic: Bill- has to play with cars because he's a boy
Personal Example: a boy plays with cars but can't play with dolls
"city" - many people holding doors for each other
"Diss" - you feel dissed when they do something hypocritical
"firm" - firm in your own beliefs gun control: only reading articles that support your beliefs
Definition: you attribute other people's behavior to internal states, such as their personality
Mnemonic: mental- it's about the person not the situation
Personal Example: when your friend is late, it's because they're always late and it's a part of their personality
Definition: someone is less likely to do something when there are more people around
Mnemonic: response- no one responds because they think someone else will
Personal Example: no one calls 911 because they assume someone else will
Protester's mother pulls son from crowd
focus on respecting yourself and your principles
ex. Politics, not letting other people change your opinion if it clashes with your own. Morals.
mnumanic: Vent, getting your feelings out there.
"Convent" - cult, and other’s takes on it
"Perm" - supposed to be permanent curls but it’s not if you wash it out.
Definition: when you think everyone is watching you
Mnemonic: image- your self image is affected
Personal Example: being self-conscious when you do something embarrassing
scaffolding on a building- climb the building
Definition: connects the two halves of the cerebral hemisphere
Mnemonic: corpse- cut in half
inter- within
Definition: top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Need, morality, creativity, spontaneity, things that set you apart from other people
Mnemonic: zation/nation- individuality in a nation full of people