по Cristos Lianides-Chin 4 часов назад
Больше похоже на это
33816 - Creating fields in `FDT::Discovery` is BLOCKING several other tasks, MUST be done early in week.
follow-up & board cleanup
board cleanup
??? Elementor Forms configuration
Next Steps in Webhook Connection
follow-up on webhook info request
[DevOps] Set up development practices documentation, ADRs, project patterns, etc.
Phase 2 Planning
Pending Aaron review and approval on next steps
33816: AR20- Merge Discovery with AR20 data
blocked, pending requirements
33935: Migrate Cronin Discovery Records
[REQ???] Review sales call
[33771] [Discovery] Review Airtable Use Cases and Create Proposal
Draft proposal based on 2025-02-05 call
33947: Automated Data Synchronization
conversion to ZScaler
Engage Logistics
Engage 2025 Session | Keep Your App Health and your Users Happy (Heartbeat Hotel)
CADREX / D&R Machine Co
Review sales call
Build SOW / Proposal
Check status on missing tax percentages
Review AR20 task breakdown
33788: Add Field "2nd FPY"
Custom web code breaks site during theme update
Survey Issue History and Create a Spreadsheet. [NON-BILLABLE?]
#FRP Stakeholder Status Check-In
#OPS 1-to-1 with Jody
#FRP Standup
#OPS 1-to-1 with Aaron
#FDT Standup
DPPC Interview Questions #SALES
#OPS Planning Meeting
ACES project plan
ACES planning with Jody
ACES stakeholder meeting
ACES check otto connectivity from live
MASV-1420 Unreleased collision control
1-to-1 with Aaron #OPS #Internal
ViroStat pre-fill of Security Questionnaire
ViroStat project plan
#VSTAT ViroStat Kickoff #Client-Facing
Sample JSON For Forms Webhook #WSCA
[USE OPS-79] Flesh Out Development Working Track Roadmap #OPS #Internal
**** WARNING: Expiration Notice for SSL certificate for hubblerequest.com. #SILVER
Minor task follow-ups
33161 + 33160: Cristos setup for VPN and RDP access #ACESFC
33128: BPM Draft #ACESFC
33159: OttoFMS installation issue (SSL Cert) #ACESFC
Renewal due for the stand by ezonline scheduling system #CPI
#NYHTC Team standup
#FDT #Client-Facing check-in
#FRP Standup #Internal
Reviewed latest troubleshooting reports; suggested standalone test from new server subnet.
#RSPM Standup #Internal
Prioritization & Monday time entry #OPS #Internal
Correspondence review & Task Prioritization #OPS #Internal
OrderItems import ODBC issue
#ACES Client meeting
Cristos 1:1 with Aaron
#WSCA Project Sync
Cristos to set up access and see if he can connect #FRP
pending RDP connection procedure from Charlie
calendaring for rest of week
#ACES Pain points
OrderItems import ODBC issue #SILVER
Reviewed team troubleshooting efforts; researched & proposed additional tooling for troubleshooting / workaround.
Project Kickoff #RSPM #Client-Facing
Review access issues with Jody (async) #ACES
Examine resources provided for kickoff #RSPM
PRIDE-845 ALARM: "Production_DiskUtilization_Root" in US West (Oregon) #PRIDE #CRITICAL #unplanned
time tracking #OPS
Development Working track #OPS #Internal
FRP Standup #FRP #Internal
33044 Small Claims layout #FDT
investigate legacy file# vs status file vs file file field and determine which is the right one to use for this
use new fields for District, Section, Block, and Lot . See `_suffollk`-appended fields
integrate feedback into task checklist
Colab 2024 Codie Awards
30990 #FDT Stand-up #Internal
Internal Kickoff Rent Solutions #RENT #Internal
33128: BPM Draft #ACES #FullCity
Codence/NYHTC Standup #NYHTC #Client-Facing
Planning the week #OPS #Internal
Update planning spreadsheet; book time off on company calendar & set OoO email; current-day time entry. #OPS
Phase 1 Dev kickoff #FRP #Client-Facing
DPPC #SALES #Internal
book follow-up with Danny
Codence:FC Working Track meeting
Scheduling & Task Prioritization #Internal #OPS
Prior week time entry & board normalization. #INTERNAL #OPS
#SILVER SQL ODBC Issue #unplanned
#WSCA Review in-out lists #unplanned
Nerd Out #Internal #TRAIN
33184: Document suggested fixes & features for client prioritization #ACES #FullCity
33044: Update layout for Small Claims Petitions #FDT #FullCity
Massachusetts Disabled Persons Protection Commission RFP #Internal #SALES
bunch of ACES tasks
Time entry #OPS #Internal
ACES & FullCity Placeholder #ACES #Client-Facing
Prior day time entry; current day time entry; prioritization & scheduling #OPS #Internal
Added YouTube scraper support to meeting summarizer CLI. #Internal #RNT
wrote summary
FRP Standup #FRP
#PRIDE Security bug
identified where partner type is being erroneously applied
LIVE TEST: Remove passwords from displaying in the customer list (Admin site) #CPI #Client-Facing
Project Plan Review #WSCA #Client-Facing
Dealer security hole #PRIDE
review Justin's findings, document next areas for investigation
Review dev plan feedback from Ryan
Slack - Ryan McCann interview #Internal #TRAIN
IT - Sonoma upgrade #Internal #IT
33044: Write dev plan for Small Claims generator implementation #FullCity #FDT
?????: Cristos setup for VPN and RDP access
?????: OttoFMS installation issue (SSL Cert)
Meet with Michael to do BPM analysis #ACES #FullCity
Team Sync | Codence: NYHTC #NYHTC #Client-Facing
Rabkin Collection Tracker | Cristos, Danielle #RABKIN #Client-Facing
Switchyard #OPS #Internal
33044: Spec out Small Claims Petition BPM and app workflow #FDT #FullCity
Colab 2024 Codie Awards #Internal #OPS
Requested mailing addresses from Samantha
nudged Charlie for help finding RDP procedure
Scheduling & Task Prioritization
FDT Weekly stand-up #FullCity #FDT
Jody/Cristos 1:1 #Internal #OPS
FileMaker License Renewal Status [NON BILLBABLE]
Remove passwords from displaying in the customer list (Admin site) #CPI
follow-up email
Next day prioritization & planning #Internal #OPS
ACES & FullCity Sync (from FullCity) #ACES #FullCity #Client-Facing
Dealer Security Bug #PRIDE
Invite Jody to ACES meeting #ACES #FullCity
F5 Reverse Proxy Removal Initiative #SILVER #Client-Facing
Petitions review #FDT #FullCity
ACES onboarding (Jody) #ACES #FullCity
Geekbot #Internal #RNT
Current week prioritization & planning #Internal #OPS
Licensing questions #SANSEI
PMO Meeting #PMO #Internal
Nerd Out #TRAIN #Internal
ACES & FullCity sync #ACESFC #FullCity
Hyperion Team #OPS #Internal
Claris AI Kitchen #RNT #Internal
Extract & explore relationship graph
Compare DDR analysis to working file
Access DEV environment
Configure RDP access
33062: Cristos onboarding #FullCity #FDT
Add notes from Andi handoff to Confluence #FRP
(optional) FM Perception Office Hours #TRAIN #Internal
Internal Standup #NYHTC
book meeting with Charlie
need help from Tim Friez @ FRP
#RABKIN Investigate missing data in Rabkin Collection Tracker
Check for trainings (but pretty sure these are old) #SILVER
[EXTERNAL] Learning Assignment Changes Email Notification #SILVER
[EXTERNAL] Overdue Training Notification #SILVER
Remove passwords from displaying in the customer list (Admin site) #CPI
pending Aaron recommendation on how to proceed
Check follow-up steps from #RABKIN
Created https://codence.atlassian.net/browse/RABKIN-37
Definitely have some, see https://codence.atlassian.net/wiki/home/tasks and https://codence.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RABKIN/pages/3672178692/2024-11-11+Stakeholder+Meeting
Current day prioritization & planning #Internal #OPS
Cristos to set up access and see if he can connect #FRP
Time entry, next day prioritization & planning #Internal #OPS
33002: 11/05/2024 Follow up items for client
ACES & FullCity sync #ACESFC #FullCity
Incident Report blueprint #TLF #Internal
[USE OPS-22] Cristos - review switchyard presentations from while I was out #Internal #OPS
Project Standards documentation #FullCity #FDT
Project Standards discussion #FullCity #FDT
Current day rescheduling & planning #Internal #OPS
Install and configure Zabbix 7 server #SILVER
Fix root domain redirect #SILVER
Update dashboards showing disk utilization with histograms not pie charts #SILVER
FDT Onboarding #FullCity
Scheduling, Time Entry #Internal #OPS
Team Sync #NYHTC
33002: 11/05/2024 Follow up items for client #ACESFC
FRP Review #FRP
Internal Standup #FRP
Remove passwords from displaying in the customer list (Admin site) #CPI
Election Season training #ACESFC
Thought I finished this last week -- definitely took the exam. Maybe have to watch ALL the videos to get credit?
[COMPLIANCE] Information Security Training Ground #SILVER
Thought I did this, but maybe it's Kenvue vs. J&J systems?
Assigned Training Due Date Reminder - Information Security Training Ground
Pending training assignment?
Planning the week #Internal #OPS
Time entry #Internal #OPS
Gather meeting notes and send follow-up email
Collate and organized tasks out of Confluence
Discuss Collection Tracker #RABKIN
Scheduling & Prioritization #OPS