Fur Trade
- Were part of the Haudenosaunee culture group
- Allies of the French who called them Huron read p. 35 in CR7
- Had a close relationship with other Indegeneous groups that they traded with
- French would only trade guns if they converted
- Were important to French Fur trade
- Were destroyed by a confederacy of Haudenosaunee enemies
- Went from 24,000 people to approx 500
- 12,000 died from 1634-1640 or disease alone
Tour of Saint-Marie among the Hurons
King of France
Health Care
Jean Talon
Jean Talon:
The ‘Great’ Intendant
- Tried to change colony to agriculture and industry
- Filles du Roi “King’s Daughters
- Marriage grants and baby bonuses
- Started a shipyard, lumber industry, and encouraged mining
Jean Talon, né en janvier 1626 à Châlons (paroisse Notre-Dame-en-Vaux), en France, et mort le 23 novembre 1694 à Paris (paroisse Saint-Sulpice, France), est le premier intendant de la Nouvelle-France à y exercer sa fonction. La colonie est devenue une province royale sous Louis XIV en 1663. Durant les cinq ans que le « grand intendant » y a passé, entre 1665 et 1672, il avait pour mandat d'en assurer le développement et la réorganisation afin d'affirmer l'autorité royale.
- Canadian Encyclopedia
- Wikipedia
- The modern confederacy Governed by the Great Law of Peace
- Were a powerful political and military force
- Did not always agree at times of conflict and during most wars some of the different nations would be on opposite sides of the conflict
First Nations
- Represented the Roman Catholic Church in New France
- Ruled over parish priests and nuns in the King’s name
- Was in charge of missionaries, churches, hospitals and schools
- Was usually a member of the French nobility
- Reported to the King on colonial activities
Bishop Laval
Bishop Laval:
New France’s first Bishop
- Had strong political influence
- Organized the parish system in New France
- Founded a seminary that would become Laval University
Filles du Roi
Catholic Church
Governor General
- Represented the King in New France
- Served as a living symbol of the King
- Was the highest ranking official in New France
- Was appointed from the nobility, and military officers
- Responsible for military planning, relations with First Nations and ensuring other officials did there job
Count Frontenac
Count Frontenac:
Military leader of New France
- Was very successful militarily
- Built Fort Frontenac
- Quarrelled with the Bishop and Intendant and was recalled
- Focused on the fur trade
- When he returned to New France he suppressed the Haudenosaunee and attacked the British Colonists
- Acted as the chief administrator of New France
- Informed the King of colonial activities
- Was appointed from the nobility
- Supervised the day to day running of the colony, law and order, and matters relating to finance (money)
New France