arabera cauanna neumann da silva 3 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Sistema acusátorio público
Use this mind map to make the most out of your travels.
Plan the activities you want to enjoy and add details such as their pricing. See if you need any prior reservations for your chosen tours or activities.
A função de defender fica por conta do defensor público ou privado
Prior research is recommended on the specialties. However, you can always ask the locals what to try!
A função de acusar fica a cargo do Ministério Público
List here all the tourist attractions you have on your bucket list.
A função de julgar fica a cargo do magistrado
Accommodation is an important part of your travel so make it easy by adding all the details here.
O procedimento geralmente é público. Todavia é possível a restrição da publicidade geral, mas não é viável a restrição da publicidade específica.
Name of the hotel/hostel
It is important to know how to get from one place to another. The most important would be the flights and transportation to the hotel so that after a long journey, you won't need to worry about that.