Teaching Reading
Principles for designing reading techniques
Follow the sequence sQ3R
Review: Incorporate new knowledge to long-term associations.
Recite: Go through the silent proces of the text - oral and written way.
Read: Read the text to look for the previous questions answers.
Question: Readers'
Survey: Skim the text
Include bottom-up and top-down techniques
Development of reading strategies
Autenticity and readability texts balance
Use motivating techniques
Not to forget the importance of specific instructions
Reading Principles
To explore reading texts to the full
To predict from the book cover, title (Clues)
To respond to the content of a text - To explore feelings about it
To be engaged and to enjoy reading
To read as often and as much as possible
Kinds of reading
- Construction of reading texts
- Includes study activities
Details of meaning, uses of grammar
and vocabulary.
- Away from the classroom
- Read for pleasure
Reasons for teaching reading
Encouragement to focus on vocabulary, grammar or punctuation
Improves vocabulary and spelling
It is useful for language acqusition
Students want to be able to read texts in English
Strategies for reading
Analyze vocabulary
Prefixes - suffixes - roots
Use semantic mapping
Put their ideas in order
Skan the text for specific info
Skim the text for main ideas
Use graphemic rules and patterns to
aid in botton-up decoding
Differences between vowel sounds
long - short.
Identify the purpose
of reading
To know what you are looking for
Button-Down view of reading
- The reader is the heart of the reading process
- Emphasises the reconstruction of meaning
- Readers' expectations about the text
- Hypoteses formation
A link between knowlegde of linguistic forms adn knowledge about the world.
Often distinguishes between begining and fluent readers.
Button-Up view of reading
Decoding a series of writen symbols - the reader matches the graphemes with the phonemes he/she already knows.
Print - Every letter discriminated - Phonemes and graphemes mathed - Blending - Pronunciation - Meaning
Reading Skills
Reading for detailed comprenhension
Looking for detailed information or
examples of language use.
Reading Levels
Use of authentic texts depending on the students' level
Whether texts are designed for intensive or extensive reading.
Types of Classroom Reading Performance
General understandig: Skimming - Skannig
Linguistic and semantic details of the text.
(Grammatical forms)
Good for beginning and intermediate levels
- Pronunciation check
- Students' participation
Characteristics of
Writen language
Rethorical and organizational patterns.
Unknown words, prediction from the context,
use of bilingual dictionaries.
Infer - interpret - read between lines.
Graphemes interpretation, punctuation,
pictures and charts.
The reader's ability to
interpret the text.
Processing Time
Allows the reader to follow
the text at their own rate.
To have acces to the
text anytime.