All of our experience are encoded in our neurology (the brain and nervous system.)我們所有的經驗都是儲存在我們的腦和神經系統中的訊息。
主觀的經驗都是由影像 、聲音 、感覺以及氣味所組成的。Subjective experience is composed of images, sounds, feelings,smells and tastes.
身、心皆屬於相同的神經控制系統:系統中任何一部分所發生的事情,都將無可避免的影響到系統中的其他部份。Mind and body are part of the same cybernetic system. Anything that happens in one part of the system will necessarily affect all other parts of the system.
人們根據自己心中描繪的地圖來行動,而非根據知覺上的經驗。換句話說,人們的行為取決於他們對世界的詮釋,而非世界的實際面貌。People operate out of their internal maps, and not of sensory experience. That is, people act according to how they interpret the world, and not as it actually is.
不管在任何時候,人們都是做對自己最有利的選擇。People make the best choice for themselves at any given moment.
地圖不等於實際的地理區域:同樣的,對一個人的各種解釋和描述,並不是就等於這個人。The map is not the territory. The explanation- -or metaphor- -used to relate facts about a person is not the person.
與人互動時,任何來自對方的訊息- -不論是語言或非語言 - -都是十分重要而值得重視的。All messages- -verbal and nonverbal- -from the person with whom you’re communicating are important and worthy of respect.
始終留給人們選擇的餘地,不要阻斷了選擇的機會。Always give people a choice. Never try to take choice away.
人們所需要的各種資源,永遠都可以在他們個人的歷史中找到;不過,有時候這些資源是深埋於無意識狀態之中。The resources people need always lie within their personal history,although often hidden in the unconscious.
當你呼應別人心目中對世界的看法時,對方也就最容易溝通。 People respond most readily when you meet them in terms of their internal map of the world.
最具有彈性的人- -也就是擁有最多選擇的人- -將會主導影響的關係:此乃靈活的重要性。 The person who’s most flexible- -who has the most choices- -will control the interaction: requisite variety.
事情小時就容易管理;因此,假如有一件困難的工作,不妨把它分成幾個小部份。Small tasks or bits are easier to manage. So, if a task is difficult,chunk it down.
要使改變能夠迅速而有收穫,當事人心目中的世界就先要有改變的可能性存在。Change can be fat are generative, if the people who are involved have a model of the world which includes that possibility.
所有的行為都代表著一種互動的方式。人無所謂的不作反應;即使沒有反應也是一種反應,只不過顯得模稜兩可罷了。 All behavior is a communication. A person can’t not respond. Even no response is a response, albeit an ambiguous one.
內容不如過程來得重要。當解決問題時,改變一件事情發生的過程,要比改變個別的結果重要。Content is less important than process. When troubleshooting,altering how something occurs is more important than altering the individual outcome.
無所謂互動的失敗,只有互動的回饋。假如目前做的行不通,就換個不同的方式。There is no failure in communication, only feedback. If what you are doing is not working, do something different.
不管原本的用意為何,互動的意義乃在於它所引起的反應。The meaning of a communication is the response it elicits, regardless of the intention.
人們可以藉由改變自己的內心,進而改變身體狀況與情緒。 People can change their physiology and emotions by changing their minds.
任何事一個人可以做的,其他人也可以學著去做,人類身上的技能是可以相互學習的。 Anything one person can do, others can also learn to do.Human skills are learnable.
(心靈焦點的力量) 你所注視的地方會給予能量, 無論這個地方是負面或者是正面。 (The law of mind focus) Where your mind focus, where you give energy
有選擇總比沒有選擇好。 Choice is better than no choice.
動機和情緒總不會錯,只是行為沒有效果而已。 Intentions and emotions are never wrong, only the behavior has not been effective.
系統中最靈活的部份最能影響大局 In any system, the most flexible part controls the situation
每人都選擇給自己最佳利益的行為 Everyone chooses the best behaviour at the moment
沒有挫敗,只有回應訊息There is no failure, only feedback
凡事必有至少三個解決方法 There are at least three solutions to every situation
重複舊的做法,只會得到舊的結果 Repeating the same behaviour will repeat the same outcome
每人都已具備使自己成功快樂的資源Everyone possesses resources to make oneself happy & successful
只有由感官經驗塑造出來的世界,沒有絕對的真實世界The map is not territory
大腦與身體是同一個系統的兩個部份Mind and body are two parts of the same system
溝通的意義決定於對方的回應The meaning of communication is the response one gets
有效用比有道理更重要。 Usefulness is more important.
一個人不能控制另外一個人。 One person cannot change another person.